The following transcript is from an Apologetics 315
interview with former atheist Richard Morgan. Original audio
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BA: Hello, this is Brian Auten of Apologetics 315. Today I am speaking with Richard Morgan, a former atheist, who found salvation in Jesus Christ. His testimony is fascinating, as part of his conversion story came about through his interactions on the Richard Dawkins website discussion boards. I’m interested in hearing about Richard’s experience, how he came to know Christ, and also asking him his thoughts on apologetics.
Thank you so much for joining me today, Richard.
RM: It’s a pleasure - I think!
BA: Well, I’m glad you could join me today in the same time zone. Tell us where you’re from originally, Richard, and where you live now and basically what keeps you busy these days.
RM: Well, I was born and bred in a tiny village in North Wales, so in spite of the way I am speaking to you now, I am actually British. I grew up in North Wales. I went to college in Nottingham. I’ve lived and worked and taught in Nottingham and Manchester. And then circumstances in my life brought me to live in France, and in 1984 I moved to Toulouse, in the South West of France, which is where I have been living since. When I was in England, I was a music teacher, then when I came to France, I switched subjects and became an English teacher and I am just about on the point of retiring now, after having spent 25 pleasant years teaching English in the South West of France, well known for its vineyards.