Disclaimer: Apologetics 315 cannot, of course, fully endorse the current or future content of any blog listed here. The reader is encouraged to exercise discernment, testing all things and holding on to the good. This listing is in alphabetical order.
Apologetics 315
Daily apologetics resources including audio, debates, podcasts, book reviews, and more.
Alpha & Omega Ministries Apologetics Blog
James White's apologetics blog.
Scholarly articles supporting the Christian worldview. Comment threads are sometimes very active, providing a good place to engage atheists and skeptics.
Apologetics Blog
The Apologetics Blog website aims to use reason to clarify and defend the Christian faith.
Apologetics Guy
Accessible Apologetics Lessons, Tips and Training with Mikel Del Rosario
Apologetics Road Trip
Tracking down premium, free, and accessible apologetics resources. Presenting them in manageable bytes with a small amount of context so that even newbies can access them. I find precious “gems” and place them in a setting to better show them off.
Apologetics UK
UK-based apologetics blog covering general apologetics and UK-based issues.
Affirming Christ Through Discourse
Apologetics Review
Reflections on important apologetic events around the world.
Carefully reasoning to seek what's true with issues in faith, science, and ethics.
AZ Apologia
An Arizona-based information portal for those interested in exploring Christian apologetic themes.
The Apologetic Front
Apologetics with interests in defending Christianity against Jehovah's Witnesses, Mormons, Atheists, and more.
Apologetic Junkie
Equipping the Church and Engaging the Culture: Apologetics, Theology, Philosophy, Politics, and Culture.
Very easy but accurate free apologetics courses added on a regular basis by Dr. Johnson C. Philip.
The A-Team Blog
The A-Team Blog addresses issues related to the study and practice of Christianity within its cultural context and promotes goodness, beauty and truth.
Awaiting a White Robe
A blogger who is raising a family while working to pay for seminary. Blog examines various passages, apologetic (mostly for the canon), and posts on learning/reading.
Apologetics with an urban slant: featuring articles, videos, and debates.
Because Its True
Encouragement for apologists as well as resources for defending the faith, and answering tough questions. Videos and articles created by Jason Wisdom.
Bible-Science Guy
Debunking evolutionism. Exalting the Creator. Exploring Creation. Tackling scientific issues from a Biblical perspective and exploring Biblical issues from a scientific perspective.
Loving God with your mind.
Bringing Back the Tao
Musings on Culture, History, Science, Youth and Religion.
Captivating Every Thought
A blog aiming to "take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ," whether that's philosophy of religion, ethics, theology or politics.
The Christian Apologetics Blog
Committed to considering the questions of seekers, increasing the confidence of believers, exploring the excellence of the God who loves us, and penetrating to the purpose of the life God has given us.
Christian Apologetics Alliance
The official blog of the Christian Apologetics Alliance.
Claim Your Brain
Helping believers in all walks of their faith, understand why they believe what they believe in a simple way that is easy to understand and enable them to share with others.
Cloud of Witnesses
Apologetics, Philosophy, Theology, and Books.
"Seven Great Lies of Organized Religion" and a focus on miracles and the impact of Christian ideas in history.
Cold and Lonely Truth Blog
A holistic approach to defending the Christian worldview through philosophy, psychology, science, history, archaeology and more.
Cold Case Christianity
The blog and writings of apologist and cold case detective J. Warner Wallace.
Come Reason's Apologetics Notes
Highlights various news stories or current events and seeks to explore them from a thoughtful Christian perspective. Less formal and shorter than the www.comereason.org web site articles, we hope to give readers points to reflect on concerning topics of the day.
Confident Christianity
Mary Jo Sharp's apologetics & discernment ministry.
The Constructive Curmudgeon
A forum for reflection on culture, ethics, philosophy, and theology by Douglas Groothuis.
Coptic Experience
Commentary on Christian Apologetics from the eyes of the Coptic Orthodox Church.
Cosmic Fingerprints
Evolution and Origin of life as seen by a communications engineer - and evolution as an engineered process.
Cowan Chronicles
Steve Cowan, Professor of Philosophy and Apologetics and the associate director of the Apologetics Resource Center in Birmingham, dedicates this blog to the discussion of current events, philosophical and theological issues, and any other topic that may be of interest to his friends, family, and students.
C.S. Lewis Society Blog
Reflecting on Important Issues in Apologetics and Intelligent Design.
Dangerous Idea
Victor Reppert's blog to discuss philosophy, chess, politics, C. S. Lewis, or whatever it is that he's in the mood to discuss.
Daniel's Wall
A worldview blog considering issues in apologetics, ethics, philosophy, religion, science, and theology.
Deeper Waters
The blog of Nick Peters, a student preparing for his Master's in the NT. He deals with NT issues, philosophical issues, the importance of marriage.
Defending Christ
Subjects include world religions, philosophy, history, cosmology, biology, politics, and other topics as they relate to a Christian world view.
Defending Christian Theism
Writings on the presuppositional defense of Christian theism.
Defending. Contending.
Defending truth and contending for the Faith while carrying the Light of the Gospel into a world shrouded in darkness.
Eye On Apologetics
Dedicated to the discussion and promotion of Christian apologetics, theology and evangelism.
Complex In-Depth articles as well as Down-Home encouragements written by developing students of theology. Read how the Christian faith just makes sense!
Faith Interface
Discusses the interface between Science, Philosophy & the Christian faith.
The Failed Atheist
A former Atheist writing about the tough questions skeptics use to discredit Christianity and providing evidence as to why Christianity is both intellectually and emotionally satisfying.
Faithful Thinkers
A blog dedicated to defending the Christian faith through philosophy and science.
Faith Beyond Belief
Faith Beyond Belief exists to help equip Christians in Calgary with a better understanding of the Christian worldview and a greater ability to share this worldview with others.
Fear and Trembling
A layman looks at life. Apologetics, evangelism, and theological discussion.
Flatland Apologetics
A blog by Shelby Cade dedicated to defending and promoting truth.
Focus on the Family’s TrueU Blog
Focus on the Family’s apologetics blog, which also supports a college-prep DVD-based apologetics curriculum called TrueU.
Spanish apologetic blog dedicated to provide weekly apologetic resources.
The God Hypothesis
A blog that thoughtfully addresses issues concerning the relationship between science and Christianity, philosophy, intelligent design, New testament reliability, theology, and atheism.
God's Marine
An Orthodox Anglican focused apologetics site with focus upon logic, theology and philosophy.
The Gospel According to Erik
A Thinking Man's Pentecostal - Apologetics, Theology and more.
Heavenly Whisper
Apologetics resource page based in Brisbane.
Exploring the intersection of literature and faith, and of reason and imagination.
Hope's Reason
An online resource dealing with issues such as religions, sects, biblical scholarship and the Jesus myth theory.
Apologetics news and commentary.
Blog of Christian philosopher and apologist Peter S. Williams, principally on intelligent design theory.
Encouraging thoughtful, civil, and biblical dialogue on topics of philosophical, theological, spiritual, and apologetic interests.
Christian Apologetics and Intelligence Ministry. We are two guys who have a passion for Christ. Our mission is to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ to the ends of the earth.
Intellectual Feast
An ex-atheist intellectual Christian’s views on philosophy, theology, art and science. Offensive and defensive apologetics are discussed.
In Defense of the Faith Apologetic Ministry
Cultural commentary, news, theological and apologetic resources and podcasts.
A blog geared toward spiritual seekers and already Christians looking to grow in faith. Blog topics include: biblical Christian inspirational writings, defense of issues that stem doubt in the Christian faith, science and its relation to Christianity, creationism and apologetics.
Jonathan Sherwin
Writing on a variety of subjects around the church, philosophy and contemporary culture, with occasional book reviews.
A Christian Apologetics Blog featuring Arguments for the Existence of God, Book Reviews, Debates, Current Events, and Philosophy.
Harnessing the Power of God’s Story to Transform our World.
Know It's True
A website dedicated to providing the reasons why Christianity is true.
Known Quantity
Blog exploring apologetics and theology.
Life and Doctrine
Christian apologetics covering issues such as world religions and cults including Rabbinic Judaism, the Baha'i Faith, Mormonism and much more.
Living Dead Man
Investigating all things related to the Resurrection, Historical Jesus, and New Testament Reliability.
Logos Apologia
Christian Evangelism and Apologetics.
Manawatu Christian Apologetics Society, New Zealand
This website is the point of contact for our society and includes details our previous meetings, a calendar of coming events both in our region and nationally, and news items and links to numerous other exciting Christian-apologetics-related happenings from around the world.
Modesto Apologetics Examiner
Apologetics news and commentary.
The Moral Absolute
A fundamentalist Baptist blog centering around theology, doctrine, politics and faith, and Christian news.
No Apologies Allowed
Apologetics cartoons for the faithful, the faithless, and the full-of-its.
Rational Free Thinking Apologetics for the Scientifically and Logically Minded
No Excuses
The apologetics ministry of Dan Greenup.
OC Apologist
OC Apologist provides apologetics On Christ, offering reasons for why the truth claims of the Bible are reliable and giving answers to help alleviate any nagging objections to Christianity.
Operation 513 Apologetics
A blog featuring regular posts of articles, MP3s and videos defending the veracity of the Christian faith.
Penny of a Thought
Thoughts on Apologetics and Theology in Everyday Life
A rambling on-line discourse that returns inevitably to the idea that we live in a world accurately described by the Christian understanding.
Please Convince Me Blog
The blog of Please Convince Me, providing an abundance of free apologetics resources.
The Poached Egg
The Christian apologetics journal where theology, science, philosophy, history, and pop culture collide.
Possible Worlds
Exploring issues in Christian philosophy, theology, apologetics, and life in general. Questions about the faith and objections to it are dealt with, as well as popular and scholarly articles/resources.
Prepared to Give an Answer
Helping people with clear, easy to understand answers to the Question of God, Jesus Christ and the Bible.
Rational Faith
Showing why belief in Christianity is a rational proposition
The Rational Choice
Brief summaries of the arguments for God's existence as well as various posts on issues
that are interesting or challenging. Particularly aimed at Christians who are unaware of
how to defend their faith when confronted by skeptics.
Rational Theism
An exploration and defense of some arguments for theism broadly and for Christian theism narrowly, with an occasional rhetorical snap.
Razor Swift Research Group
The apologetics ministry of A. M. Hempe
The Real Issue
The blogging ministry arm of Rob Lundberg and Stand4Truth.Net Apologetics Ministries, dedicated to strengthening the belief of Christians and interacting with non-Christians who are interested in matters of faith and understanding.
Reasonable Theology seeks to explain and defend the theology, worldview, and doctrine of the Christian faith.
Reasoned Cases for Christ
A Christian Apologetics blog that provides resources for Christians new to the faith. Includes a Resource Page with many links.
Reasons for God
Offers apologetics resources defending the existence of God and responds to atheist critics like Richard Dawkins and Christopher Hitchens.
A blog to help and challenge Christians to think carefully about the implications of their worldview.
A Reasonable Imagination
An apologetics-oriented blog emphasizing philosophy, theology, technology, and cultural engagement and discernment.
Saints and Sceptics
For Saints With Doubts and Sceptics With Questions.
San Francisco Apologetics Examiner
Apologetics news and commentary.
Sarcastic Xtian
Observations on the church and culture. Broadly speaking, how ought Christians see culture, interact with culture, and influence culture.
Posts concerning philosophy, theology, science, and random moments of a day in the life of a philosophy graduate student.
An apologetics site devoted to articulating the Christian faith.
Sifting Reality
Religious and political commentary through the filter of a conservative Christian worldview. The primary focus is addressing why Atheist, Pro-Choice, and Pro-Same-Sex Marriage arguments fail as opposed to the traditional positive case-making for the Christian worldview.
A Soldier for Jesus
Encouraging believers to live as followers of Jesus and to be equipped for the spiritual warfare that we fight every day. Christians need to know what they believe, and why they believe it, as well as spending time in the Word of God and in prayer.
Songs of a Semi-Free Man
Dismantling objections to Christianity through apologetic essays and poetry.
Stand Therefore
Providing a rational defense for the Christian worldview through argument and evidence.
The Skeptical Christian
Provides a philosophical defense of the Christian faith, with extensive book reviews, debates, podcasts, and more.
Stand to Reason Blog
Engaging timely and timeless topics with clear-thinking Christianity.
Stand Tall For Christ
Supporting Christians with well reasoned and researched articles and resources to better equip them for their walk in a fallen world.
A Sure Word
General apologetics and commentary.
The Sword and the Sacrifice Philosophy
Weighing ethical theories against the Golden Rule.
Take-Two Rtb
We’re not heavy into science or philosophy, but we’ve discovered that they serve as effective tools for igniting faith in Jesus.
Talitha, Koum!
I am The Damsel (Talitha) blogging about the theological side of nearly everything.
TC Apologetics
An apologetics blog based in Traverse City, Michigan.
A student's musings on Classical Arminian Theology and Christian Apologetics.
Theo-sophical Ruminations
A collage of apologetic and theological musings.
Sound commentary and biblical exposition for the conversion and continual edification of God’s elect.
The Rational Choice
Brief summaries of the arguments for God's existence as well as various posts on issues I find interesting or challenging. Particularly aimed at Christians who are unaware of how to defend their faith.
A variety of topics such as apologetic issues, philosophical studies, as well as information about the relationship between Judaism and Christianity. This site is committed to help the follower of Jesus the Messiah integrate their faith into all areas of their lives.
Think Christianly
Providing daily encouragement, cultural reflection, and solid resources to help you think Christianly about all of life.
Thinking Christian
Encouraging Christians to think deeply and well about faith and life, and inviting others to consider Christ; with emphasis on science, culture, and ethics.
Thinking Matters
Equipping Christians and encouraging skeptics to see the truth claims of Christianity as intellectually credible and relevant to all of life.
Thoughtful Christianity
Thoughtfully exploring, sharing, and defending the truth of Christianity.
Thoughts on Apologetics and Theology
Commentary on Christian apologetics, theology, philosophy, religious news, and politics from a Christian perspective.
Tough Questions Answered
This blog provides answers to tough questions about Christianity. The authors take challenges to the Christian faith seriously, and want to inform and dialogue with those who sincerely seek answers.
True Free Thinker
Christianity, Apologetics, and Theology.
True Horizon
Where Clear Thinking Faith Meets the Real World: Discussing Worldview Issues, Engaging the Naturalistic Paradigm, Making the Case for Christian Theism.
Truthbomb Apologetics
Truthbomb Apologetics is a ministry of Faith Christian Fellowship located in Williamsport, Maryland (explorefcf.com). We are committed to analyzing truth claims relating to God and equipping believers in Christ to be ready to intelligently and respectfully defend what they believe.
Truth and Friction
Theology, Philosophy, Apologetics, Culture, Life
Uncommon Descent
Serving the Intelligent Design Community.
Veritas Domain
Three military and ex-military Christians engaging in apologetics, theology and worldview.
Weighing the Evidence
Apologetics blog with an emphasis on discussion and building a community of "recovering intellectuals."
What Do I Say To That?
A campus minister with InterVarsity Christian Fellowship with an M.A. in apologetics from Biola offers his take on conversational evangelism.
What Had Happened Was...
A blog that covers Theology, History, Science, Apologetics, Current Events and how these things impact culture through the media.
Why Faith
Comments on various faith related topics and articles on faith topics, with in-depth analysis of specific issues.
Why Should I Believe Blog
Matt DeLockery's Apologetics Ministry.
Wintery Knight
Integrating Christianity with public knowledge. Analyzing fiscal, social and foreign policy from a Christian worldview.
With All I Am
Daily apologetic, theology, and ethical issues to us all who want to Know God with all our heart and with all our soul and with all our strength and with all our mind.
Worldview of Jesus
Towards the advancement of God’s Word through the practice of Christian apologetics in order to gain the knowledge necessary to combat a secular worldview.
Y-Jesus Blog
Providing compelling evidence about Jesus.
Youth Apologetics Training
A teen apologetics ministry that aims to teach our young through daily five to ten minute podcasts.
Thoughts on apologetics as well as Christian living, prayer and anything Biblical.
Thanks, guys.
If you want to advertise your blog, send an email directly to apologetics315 at gmail dot com with the link and a "blurb" in the same style as the ones posted here.
Hey Brian just found your blog, cant believe how stacked it is with resources..im looking forward to listening to lots of the audio!!!
Brian -- great list -- you may find some more, here:
Hi Brian this is an awesome list and a great site. Just scratching the surface of all the resources at the moment!
Thinking Matters - http://thinkingmatters.org.nz/
Nice to see Apologetics Guy on this page. Thanks, Brian!
Modesto Apologetics Examiner
San Francisco Apologetics Examiner
Apologetics news and commentary.
Is the Quran the Word of God?
Dialogue between Christians and Muslims about the Quran, Bible, Muhammad, Trinity, Crucifixion of Jesus, and Hadith.
realapologetics.org deserves to be there.
As mentioned before, if someone wants to submit a blog to the directory, they'll need to email it along with a blurb.
Michael Patton/Parchment and Pen!
Thanks, Brian! Roger & Mary Jo Sharp
This is such a great resource. Just loaded up my Feedly reader!
Another good blog is www.beaconapologetics.wordpress.com
Lots of good info there!
I want to tell you about my ministry blog. I am engaged in producing information and teaching parents and Churches how to immediately stop the loss of Christian kids from the Faith. I provide a strategies for education, engagement and revival. I do a fair amount of exposing the problem as well. I speak to Churches and Conferences on these subjects.
If you are open to adding a link, the URL is http://bracebarber.com. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thanks Brace
I am a MA Apologetics student with BIOLA University. I have a blog that I have been working with off and on for a few years, it has book reviews as well as topics of discussion. I am working on growing it more in 2017. I am a reviewer for InterVarsity Press and a few other publishers.
It's called www.FaithAndKnowledge.com
I would like you to add the Christian Cadre's Cadre Comments to your blog list. http://christiancadre.blogspot.com. We have been around since 2005 and have almost 2400 posts since that time. We have been listed on the top 100 Christian blogs.
Please add http://www.windmillministries.org/blog/index.php
- they post some thought provoking and well researched blog posts every week. They also post weekly 5 minute apologetic videos.
Add FaithDefense please. www.faithdefense.com "Giving Reasons to Believe"
Correct link for Apologetics Review is:
Great list -- you may find some more, here:
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