The following transcript is from an Apologetics 315
interview with Bobby Conway. Original audio
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BA: Hello, this is Brian Auten of Apologetics315. Today’s interview is with Bobby Conway. Bobby is the Lead Pastor of Life Fellowship in Charlotte, North Carolina. He is also the founder of the
One Minute Apologist, a creative YouTube ministry designed to give quick answers to curious questions. He is also author of the book,
Hell, Rob Bell, and What Happens When People Die. The purpose of this interview is to learn a bit more about Bobby and his ministry, explore the use of multi-media and apologetics, look at apologetics in the church, and get his advice for those studying apologetics. Well, thanks for joining me for this interview Bobby.
BC: Well, it’s great to be with you Brian, thank you for having me on today.
BA: Well, I appreciate you being with me today, and would you mind telling our listeners a bit about the sort of ministry you’re in today?
BC: You bet. I’m actually, first and foremost, I serve as the Lead Pastor of Life Fellowship Church, a church that I started about eight years ago in the Charlotte area. I’m also involved in doing some marriage conferences with Family Life Today. My wife and I speak on the national Weekend to Remember speakers team. But, the reason I’m on with you today is for a ministry I do called
The One Minute Apologist, which is a video ministry that I put together a few years back that we’re real exited about.