The reader will find this book helpful, as it states the case for the scriptures plainly and systematically. From God to Us emphasizes the inspiration (and therefore the inerrancy) of the Bible as the core lens through which the scriptures are to be viewed. Because the Bible is inspired of God, its inerrancy logically and necessarily follows. Thus, the Bible is trustworthy and authoritative in all matters.
Building on Biblical inerrancy, the authors give evidence for its inspiration. This evidence includes the unity of the scripture, the accuracy of the manuscripts, the testimony of the Holy Spirit, the transforming ability of the Bible, the historicity of the Bible, and numerous other examples. Internal and external evidences abound that demonstrate that the Bible is what it claims to be: the inerrant, authoritative Word of God.
Many people wonder how the Bible actually came to be. From God to Us clearly expounds the history of the Canon of scripture. The authors explain that the Canon (the books that are viewed as the authoritative rule) was not “decided” upon by men, but recognized by men. Because the writings were inspired by God, men were able to recognize their authority and affirm that they were the true canon of scripture. This allowed a full collection of the written Word of God to be recognized and taught to Christians for generations to come.
As the book progresses, it can become tedious for the reader. Geisler and Nix begin to explain the elements of textual criticism, the languages of the Bible, and deeper historical elements that may be hard for the layperson to follow. Although these remaining chapters tend towards a more scholarly tone, they still show the depth and scope of the Bible’s reliability and rich legacy.
From God to Us can be recommended as an excellent and thorough overview for the Christian on the character and trustworthiness of the Bible. It will no doubt bring understanding about God’s Word and strengthen the faith of the believer.
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