Is the New Testament reliable? This is the question that so many things hinge upon. One good little ebook regarding this topic can be found over at the blog.
Thanks for the link! If anyone has ideas about how it can be improved please let me know. I'm working on an update which expands the section on miracles, adds a chapter about the so-called "other gospels" like the Gospel of Thomas, and includes an epilogue which presents the gospel.
Brian Auten is director of Reasonable Faith Belfast and founder of Apologetics 315, a daily online resource helping to equip the next generation of Christian apologists. More...
Thanks for the link! If anyone has ideas about how it can be improved please let me know. I'm working on an update which expands the section on miracles, adds a chapter about the so-called "other gospels" like the Gospel of Thomas, and includes an epilogue which presents the gospel.
If you are so inclined, I have a blog committed to the "gospel" of Judas:
Regarding the Gospel of Judas.
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