0 - Introduction - Front Matter
1 - Defining Apologetics
2 - A Brief History of Apologetics
3 - Issues and Methods
4 - Classical - Apologists
5 - Classical - Classical Apologetics
6 - Classical - Rationality of the Christian Worldview
7 - Classical - Limits of Reason
8 - Evidentialists - Apologists
9 - Evidentialist Apologetics
10 - Evidentialist - Presenting Evidence
11 - Evidentialist - Interpretation of Fact
12 - Reformed - Apologists
13 - Reformed - Reformed Apologists
14 - Reformed - Taking Every Thought Captive
15 - Reformed - Authority of Revelation
16 - Fideism - Apologists
17 - Fideism - Fideist Apologists
18 - Fideism - Calling People
19 - Fideism - Subjectivity of Faith
20 - Integrative - Apologists
21 - Integrative - Contending for the Faith
22 - Integrative - Reasons for Hope
23 - Integrative - Speaking the Truth in Love
24 - Afterword 25 - Appendix 26 - Bibliography
Other good stuff can be found at Ken Boa's site.
Wow, that's great! Thank you.
Best, Comprehensive, and Useful Method in Christian Apologetic
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