Showing Christianity is True by Matthew Flannagan
“Can you show that Christianity is true?” To help us focus our thinking as to how one should answer this question I will pose some other questions as follows. Can you show that other people exist or that there exists a world that endures independent of our senses, which continues to exist when we no longer perceive it? Can my belief that it is wrong to inflict pain on another person for no reason at all be shown as true? What about my belief that Russell’s sceptical hypothesis that the whole Universe came into existence six seconds ago, including all apparent memories and signs of age – is this false or true? (MP3 Audio | RSS | iTunes)
Friday, April 30, 2010
Weekly Apologetics Bonus Links (04/23 - 04/30)
• Suggestions for Refreshing Your Apologetics
• The Death of a (Former) Atheist article by Albert Mohler
• Comments on the Possible Discovery of Noah's Ark
• 7 days to online apologetics conference
• Are Christians crazy or do they have a rational basis for their beliefs?
• A Call to Churches to Create Careers in Apologetics
• "If the Bible is Not Inerrant, then Christianity is False"
• Does God Exist? Shermer vs. Howe Debate April 30
• 9 Apologetics Articles by Dr. Douglas Groothuis
• The Problem of Unanswered Prayer (video)
• Practical Prayer by Derek Prime
• The Death of a (Former) Atheist article by Albert Mohler
• Comments on the Possible Discovery of Noah's Ark
• 7 days to online apologetics conference
• Are Christians crazy or do they have a rational basis for their beliefs?
• A Call to Churches to Create Careers in Apologetics
• "If the Bible is Not Inerrant, then Christianity is False"
• Does God Exist? Shermer vs. Howe Debate April 30
• 9 Apologetics Articles by Dr. Douglas Groothuis
• The Problem of Unanswered Prayer (video)
• Practical Prayer by Derek Prime
Get these sorts of links and more by following on Twitter.
Or just add this feed to your RSS reader
Bonus Links
Antony Flew Interview Videos by Lee Strobel (w/ MP3)
Here is an interview by Lee Strobel of the late Antony Flew, not too long after his rejection of atheism. Video clips in five parts at
• Why did your beliefs change? (2:06)
• What is God like? (5:08)
• A Creator was involved in the creation of life (2:59)
• Afterlife and Christianity (5:42)
• My time with C.S. Lewis (1:35)
All interview audio in MP3 here. (17 minutes)
Check out There is a God
by Antony Flew. (review here)
• Why did your beliefs change? (2:06)
• What is God like? (5:08)
• A Creator was involved in the creation of life (2:59)
• Afterlife and Christianity (5:42)
• My time with C.S. Lewis (1:35)
All interview audio in MP3 here. (17 minutes)
Check out There is a God
Antony Flew
Lee Strobel
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Essay: Testing Christianity's Core Truth Claims by Kyle Deming
Testing Christianity's Core Truth Claims by Kyle Deming
Jesus of Nazareth once asked his disciples a simple but profound question: "Who do you say that I am?" That question is just as relevant for us today as it was for the ancients. If Christ were a mere good teacher, then Christianity amounts to little more than a curious and fascinating social movement - something for historians and scholars to ponder. But what if, as the Christian faith teaches, Jesus Christ is the Son of God, who died and rose for the atonement of our sins? Then our answer to his question takes on weighty significance, a significance with both worldly and eternal consequences.
(MP3 Audio | RSS | iTunes)
Jesus of Nazareth once asked his disciples a simple but profound question: "Who do you say that I am?" That question is just as relevant for us today as it was for the ancients. If Christ were a mere good teacher, then Christianity amounts to little more than a curious and fascinating social movement - something for historians and scholars to ponder. But what if, as the Christian faith teaches, Jesus Christ is the Son of God, who died and rose for the atonement of our sins? Then our answer to his question takes on weighty significance, a significance with both worldly and eternal consequences.
(MP3 Audio | RSS | iTunes)
Essay Series
Apologetics Toolkit: Tips for the Apologetic Life #02

Tool #02: Use What You Have
Apologists Toolkit
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Essay: Atheism: A Falsified Hypothesis by Brian Colón
Atheism: A Falsified Hypothesis by Brian Colón
Several Atheists like to complain that Theism, unlike Atheism is unfalsifiable. If this is true, then it means that Atheism can be proven false, Theism cannot. Many Atheists consider this to be a strong point for Atheism and a weak point for Theism. The problem is, since Atheism CAN be proven false, then IF it IS proven false, then Theism (its negation) would necessarily be proven true. When there are only two possible answers for a proposition, and one of them is proven false, then the other is necessarily true. Consider the question "Does God Exist?" There are only two possible answers, "yes" and "no". If the answer "no" was proven false, then the only alternative answer remaining is "yes". (MP3 Audio | RSS | iTunes)
Several Atheists like to complain that Theism, unlike Atheism is unfalsifiable. If this is true, then it means that Atheism can be proven false, Theism cannot. Many Atheists consider this to be a strong point for Atheism and a weak point for Theism. The problem is, since Atheism CAN be proven false, then IF it IS proven false, then Theism (its negation) would necessarily be proven true. When there are only two possible answers for a proposition, and one of them is proven false, then the other is necessarily true. Consider the question "Does God Exist?" There are only two possible answers, "yes" and "no". If the answer "no" was proven false, then the only alternative answer remaining is "yes". (MP3 Audio | RSS | iTunes)
Essay Series
Evidence for the Resurrection MP3 Audio by William Lane Craig
William Lane Craig presents this talk to high school students on The Evidence for the Resurrection. Video of the talk at RISE can be found here. Although this talk is a presentation of Craig's normal case for the resurrection, it is brief and concise. It is suitable for referring to a friend as Craig includes testimonial elements and a salvation message.
Full MP3 Audio here. (37 minutes)
For Ap315's recommendation on the best Gospel sermon to refer to a friend, see this one here.
Full MP3 Audio here. (37 minutes)
For Ap315's recommendation on the best Gospel sermon to refer to a friend, see this one here.
William Lane Craig
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Essay: Christianity Explains Logic by Glenn Hendrickson
Christianity Explains Logic by Glenn Hendrickson
There have been many attempts to prove God's existence, the validity of Christianity, the resurrection or deity of Christ, etcetera. All of these fall under the broad heading of Christian Apologetics. Various methods and data have been employed in this enterprise, all aiming at justifying part of, or the entire, Christian worldview. I hope to demonstrate in my brief essay that the Christian worldview is justified over and against an atheistic worldview on the basis of humanity's everyday use of logic.
(MP3 Audio | RSS | iTunes)
There have been many attempts to prove God's existence, the validity of Christianity, the resurrection or deity of Christ, etcetera. All of these fall under the broad heading of Christian Apologetics. Various methods and data have been employed in this enterprise, all aiming at justifying part of, or the entire, Christian worldview. I hope to demonstrate in my brief essay that the Christian worldview is justified over and against an atheistic worldview on the basis of humanity's everyday use of logic.
(MP3 Audio | RSS | iTunes)
Essay Series
Monday, April 26, 2010
Essay: The Gospels Tell Me So by Vocab Malone & Paul D. Adams
The Gospels Tell Me So by Vocab Malone & Paul D. Adams
Why believe Christianity is true? Because the Gospels tell me so. Although this may sound trite or dismissive, it is a reasonable response if the biblical content preserves the events as they really happened. And if Christianity is based in certain empirically verifiable events, then Christianity is true. This essay will speak to the general reliability of the New Testament Gospels.
Preliminary questions regarding ancient literature purporting to record accurate historical events include: “What is the author’s intent?” “Did the Gospel authors intend to capture a genuine portrayal of the life and works of Jesus of Nazareth?” If not, then at least it is psychologically naïve and at most historically irresponsible to rely upon the Gospel accounts as accurate sources. If it can be demonstrated the Gospel authors intended to write biographies and accurately record the words and works of Jesus, then it becomes a small distance to travel in believing Christianity is true. (MP3 Audio | RSS | iTunes)
Why believe Christianity is true? Because the Gospels tell me so. Although this may sound trite or dismissive, it is a reasonable response if the biblical content preserves the events as they really happened. And if Christianity is based in certain empirically verifiable events, then Christianity is true. This essay will speak to the general reliability of the New Testament Gospels.
Preliminary questions regarding ancient literature purporting to record accurate historical events include: “What is the author’s intent?” “Did the Gospel authors intend to capture a genuine portrayal of the life and works of Jesus of Nazareth?” If not, then at least it is psychologically naïve and at most historically irresponsible to rely upon the Gospel accounts as accurate sources. If it can be demonstrated the Gospel authors intended to write biographies and accurately record the words and works of Jesus, then it becomes a small distance to travel in believing Christianity is true. (MP3 Audio | RSS | iTunes)
Essay Series
Apologist Interview: Mariano Grinbank of
Today's interview is with Mariano Grinbank, an active blogger on various apologetics topics. Mariano talks about his Jewish background, how he came to Christ, his thoughts on defending the faith, dealing with hostile critics, advice on blogging, his recent debate, apologetics in everyday life, and more. Check out his blog and website
Full Interview MP3 here. (45 minutes)
Full Interview MP3 here. (45 minutes)
Apologist Interviews
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Sunday Quote: Ravi Zacharias on Implications of Belief and Disbelief
"Nothing, absolutely nothing, has a more direct bearing on the moral choices made by individuals or the purposes pursued by society than belief or disbelief in God."1
- Ravi Zacharias
1 Ravi Zacharias, The Real Face of Atheism
(Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Books, 2004), p. 21.
What was last year's post? See here.
- Ravi Zacharias
1 Ravi Zacharias, The Real Face of Atheism
What was last year's post? See here.
Ravi Zacharias
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Featured Videos: Jesus: Man, Messiah, or More?
The Truthbomb Apologetics blog has linked to a nice series of 8 videos featuring NT scholar Craig Evans, entitled: Jesus: Man, Messiah, or More? Click over to Truthbomb for the links, or directly to the video site.
While you are there, check out TB's free apologetics ebook directory... very useful.
While you are there, check out TB's free apologetics ebook directory... very useful.
You may also enjoy the recent debate: Craig Evans vs. Bart Ehrman
Craig Evans
Jesus Christ
New Testament
Friday, April 23, 2010
Essay: Christianity is Objectively True by Marcus McElhaney
Christianity is Objectively True by Marcus McElhaney
I believe Christianity is objectively true. What I mean is that Biblical Christianity is true no matter if you or I believe it or not. Three main reasons have brought me to this conclusion:
1. The teleological argument says the observable design in the world suggests that there must be an intelligent designer – God.
2. The Bible has stood the test of time – historically, scientifically, and archaeologically.
3. Jesus really lived, was really crucified, and only his bodily resurrection is the best explanation for the historical data.
(MP3 Audio | RSS | iTunes)
I believe Christianity is objectively true. What I mean is that Biblical Christianity is true no matter if you or I believe it or not. Three main reasons have brought me to this conclusion:
1. The teleological argument says the observable design in the world suggests that there must be an intelligent designer – God.
2. The Bible has stood the test of time – historically, scientifically, and archaeologically.
3. Jesus really lived, was really crucified, and only his bodily resurrection is the best explanation for the historical data.
(MP3 Audio | RSS | iTunes)
Essay Series
Weekly Apologetics Bonus Links (04/16 - 04/23)
• Responding to Goldilocks
• A Very Tiny Place In The Heavens
• Theistic Evolution? Designed by Chance
• Letters from Antony Flew About “There is a God.”
• God: new evidence - Part 1
• Acknowledging our opponents’ strong points
• Debate: Richard Howe vs. Michael Shermer - April 30th
• William Dembski on irreducible complexity and co-option
• Paul Davies & John Lennox: Are We Alone in the Universe? (Unbelievable Radio program MP3)
• Currently reading The Real Face of Atheism by Ravi Zacharias
• A Very Tiny Place In The Heavens
• Theistic Evolution? Designed by Chance
• Letters from Antony Flew About “There is a God.”
• God: new evidence - Part 1
• Acknowledging our opponents’ strong points
• Debate: Richard Howe vs. Michael Shermer - April 30th
• William Dembski on irreducible complexity and co-option
• Paul Davies & John Lennox: Are We Alone in the Universe? (Unbelievable Radio program MP3)
• Currently reading The Real Face of Atheism by Ravi Zacharias
Get these sorts of links and more by following on Twitter.
Or just add this feed to your RSS reader
Bonus Links
Featured Resource: Affirming the Bible's Reliability by
Jim Wallace over at has just released another great resource: Affirming the Bible's Reliability. This is one of the academy courses over at PCM, which includes 10 lessons with audio, PDFs, Bible inserts, videos, and more. All of PCM's resources are recommended and are all free. Great for group or personal study.
These lessons cover:
• Transmissional Reliability of the Old and New Testaments
• Archeological Reliability of the Old and New Testaments
• Prophetic Reliability of the Old and New Testaments
• Scientific Reliability of the Bible
• Harmonious Reliability of the Bible
• Thematic Reliability of the Bible
• Eyewitness Reliability of the Gospel of Mark
Check them out HERE. More courses here. Jim's podcast here. Jim's videos here.
These lessons cover:
• Transmissional Reliability of the Old and New Testaments
• Archeological Reliability of the Old and New Testaments
• Prophetic Reliability of the Old and New Testaments
• Scientific Reliability of the Bible
• Harmonious Reliability of the Bible
• Thematic Reliability of the Bible
• Eyewitness Reliability of the Gospel of Mark
Check them out HERE. More courses here. Jim's podcast here. Jim's videos here.
Featured Website
New Testament
Old Testament
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Essay: The Euthyphro Dichotomy by Mariano Grinbank
The Euthyphro Dichotomy by Mariano Grinbank
Christianity is true because it splits the horns of the Euthyphro Dilemma.
In Plato’s Euthyphro, Socrates proposes a dilemma that calls into question the premise of theistic ethics:
1. Is something good because God proclaims it?
2. Or, does God proclaim it because it is good?
The points of the dilemma are:
1. Is something good merely because God proclaims it? In which case, goodness is arbitrary and God could interchange good and evil at a whim.
2. Is there something separate from God to which God adheres; does God have to act according to an ethical standard which is outside of Himself? In which case, God is not all sufficient and obeys a higher standard.
(MP3 Audio | RSS | iTunes)
Christianity is true because it splits the horns of the Euthyphro Dilemma.
In Plato’s Euthyphro, Socrates proposes a dilemma that calls into question the premise of theistic ethics:
1. Is something good because God proclaims it?
2. Or, does God proclaim it because it is good?
The points of the dilemma are:
1. Is something good merely because God proclaims it? In which case, goodness is arbitrary and God could interchange good and evil at a whim.
2. Is there something separate from God to which God adheres; does God have to act according to an ethical standard which is outside of Himself? In which case, God is not all sufficient and obeys a higher standard.
(MP3 Audio | RSS | iTunes)
Essay Series
Apologetics Toolkit: Tips for the Apologetic Life #01

Tool #01: Keep it Simple
Apologists Toolkit
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Essay: Christianity Proved by the Nature of the Jewish Nation by Anthony Horvath
Christianity Proved by the Nature of the Jewish Nation by Anthony Horvath
Much ink has been spilled in defense of the historicity of the resurrection of Jesus, and I myself have spilled my fair share. Similarly, the stunning explosion of the Christian Church within the Roman Empire has been raised as a phenomenon that requires explanation and a dead man rising from the dead is the best one. These efforts are valid, but their weight cannot be appreciated without first knowing the context behind the arguments. We must understand the Jewish people, their history and religion.
(MP3 Audio | RSS | iTunes)
Much ink has been spilled in defense of the historicity of the resurrection of Jesus, and I myself have spilled my fair share. Similarly, the stunning explosion of the Christian Church within the Roman Empire has been raised as a phenomenon that requires explanation and a dead man rising from the dead is the best one. These efforts are valid, but their weight cannot be appreciated without first knowing the context behind the arguments. We must understand the Jewish people, their history and religion.
(MP3 Audio | RSS | iTunes)
Essay Series
Jesus in the New Testament & Beyond MP3 Audio by Paul Maier
Historian Dr. Paul Maier (web page / books) presents this lecture (courtesy of Chesterton House) on the topic of: Jesus in the New Testament and Beyond. This is an entertaining and informative talk discussing historical evidences surrounding Christ. Paul Maier also mentions the outcome of his debate with Dan Barker. [Original audio found here, (H/T: Mariano)]
Full MP3 Audio here. (90 min)
Full MP3 Audio here. (90 min)
Jesus Christ
Paul Maier
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Essay: Christianity and Other Ancient Religions by Stephen J. Bedard
Christianity and Other Ancient Religions by Stephen J. Bedard
Why should Christianity be thought of as true? The challenge is there were other religious movements in the first century Mediterranean that were just as popular. Why should Christianity have a better claim to truth than some of the mystery cults of the Greco-Roman world? Some authors have even suggested that the story of Jesus was based on these mystery cults and that the Gospels simply put a Jewish garb on a universal myth found within the mystery cults. There are many ways to respond to such a Jesus myth hypothesis, but one can look at these religious movements from a historical perspective and conclude that Christianity has a better claim to truth.
(MP3 Audio | RSS | iTunes)
Why should Christianity be thought of as true? The challenge is there were other religious movements in the first century Mediterranean that were just as popular. Why should Christianity have a better claim to truth than some of the mystery cults of the Greco-Roman world? Some authors have even suggested that the story of Jesus was based on these mystery cults and that the Gospels simply put a Jewish garb on a universal myth found within the mystery cults. There are many ways to respond to such a Jesus myth hypothesis, but one can look at these religious movements from a historical perspective and conclude that Christianity has a better claim to truth.
(MP3 Audio | RSS | iTunes)
Essay Series
Monday, April 19, 2010
Essay: The Impossible Faith by James Patrick Holding

No doubt you’ll read here a lot of arguments that Christianity is true because Jesus rose from the dead, historically. I agree with those sentiments, and also know many of the standard critical responses (e.g, “the body of Jesus was stolen,” “the apostles hallucinated,” “aliens hoaxed the Resurrection”) and the answers to them.
But here I want to offer my unique perspective on why Christianity is true: I believe that the social world of the first century was, on a large number of counts, ideologically in opposition to Christianity. Response to Christian claims would have been so overwhelmingly negative that the only way anyone outside of an original, dedicated core of Jesus’ followers would have become Christians would have been if they had been able to present sufficient evidence to convince others that the Resurrection actually happened. What kind of evidence? I could discuss that in more words, but since my space is limited, I will only briefly note a few examples: The empty tomb; the miracles wrought by Jesus and the Apostles; the nature miracles at the time of the crucifixion; the testimony of those who guarded the tomb; the unwavering testimony under pressure of those who saw Jesus alive after death. (MP3 Audio | RSS | iTunes)
Our main subject, however: Why would they need this sure witness for people to believe?
Essay Series
Apologist Interview: Jonathan Morrow of

• why young people walk away from the faith
• intellectual and moral challenges at college
• practical advice for those new to college life
• how young people can grow spiritually in college
Full Interview MP3 Audio here. (32 minutes)
For a great grad gift, check out Welcome to College
Apologist Interviews
Jonathan Morrow
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Sunday Quote: Anthony Kenny on the Big Bang
"According to the Big Bang Theory, the whole matter of the universe began to exist at a particular time in the remote past. A proponent of such a theory, at least if he is an atheist, must believe that the matter of the universe came from nothing and by nothing."
- Anthony Kenny (The Five Ways
, p. 66)
- Anthony Kenny (The Five Ways
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Responding to Arguments Against the Resurrection MP3 Audio with Steven Hein
In this audio, Todd Wilken of the great radio show and podcast Issues, etc. interviews Dr. Steven Hein of the Concordia Institute for Christian Studies: Responding to Arguments Against the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. Issues, etc. has a steady flow of great guests, so subscribe to the podcast here.
Full MP3 Audio here. (45 minutes)
Full MP3 Audio here. (45 minutes)
Steven Hein
Todd Wilkin
Friday, April 16, 2010
Essay: The Historical Event of the Resurrection by Amy Hall
The Historical Event of the Resurrection by Amy Hall
When I say that Christianity is true, I am not merely saying that it's meaningful to me personally. I am saying that it accurately represents the truth about reality. And there is nothing more central to Christianity than the idea that Jesus died on the cross, removing the guilt that separated us from our perfect God by taking the punishment we deserved on Himself, and was resurrected, restoring us to a joyful relationship with God who is the very standard of goodness, truth, and beauty.
No resurrection, no Christianity.
Where does this leave the truth seeker? Fortunately, though miracles have a supernatural cause, the evidence of the effect is available for our scrutiny just as the evidence for any historical event in history is available to us, and so I offer this brief outline of an argument:
(MP3 Audio | RSS | iTunes)
When I say that Christianity is true, I am not merely saying that it's meaningful to me personally. I am saying that it accurately represents the truth about reality. And there is nothing more central to Christianity than the idea that Jesus died on the cross, removing the guilt that separated us from our perfect God by taking the punishment we deserved on Himself, and was resurrected, restoring us to a joyful relationship with God who is the very standard of goodness, truth, and beauty.
No resurrection, no Christianity.
Where does this leave the truth seeker? Fortunately, though miracles have a supernatural cause, the evidence of the effect is available for our scrutiny just as the evidence for any historical event in history is available to us, and so I offer this brief outline of an argument:
(MP3 Audio | RSS | iTunes)
Essay Series
Weekly Apologetics Bonus Links (04/09 - 04/16)
• The Gospel
• A Resurrection That Matters
• A Logical Christianity
• Morality and Naturalism
• The Merits of Debate
• The Most Important Advice in Defending the Faith
• Book Review: The Case for Life
• Argument For Theism From Reason And Morality
• Help for Christians Dealing with Doubt – Part 1
• Dealing with Doubt – Part 2
• How the progress of science strengthened the fine-tuning argument
• A Resurrection That Matters
• A Logical Christianity
• Morality and Naturalism
• The Merits of Debate
• The Most Important Advice in Defending the Faith
• Book Review: The Case for Life
• Argument For Theism From Reason And Morality
• Help for Christians Dealing with Doubt – Part 1
• Dealing with Doubt – Part 2
• How the progress of science strengthened the fine-tuning argument
Get these sorts of links and more by following on Twitter.
Or just add this feed to your RSS reader
Bonus Links
Michael Brown vs. Bart Ehrman Debate: The Problem of Suffering MP3 Audio
Dr. Michael Brown and Dr. Bart Ehrman debate the topic: Does the Bible Provide an Adequate Answer to the Problem of Suffering? at Ohio State University on April 15, 2010. More information about this debate can be found at the debate website.
Full Debate MP3 Audio here. (2 hr 10 min)
For some books dealing with the problem of suffering:
The Problem of Pain
- C.S. Lewis
The Many Faces of Evil
- John Feinberg
When God Weeps
- Joni Eareckson Tada & Steven Estes
The End of Christianity: Finding a Good God in an Evil World
- William Dembski
Full Debate MP3 Audio here. (2 hr 10 min)
For some books dealing with the problem of suffering:
The Problem of Pain
The Many Faces of Evil
When God Weeps
The End of Christianity: Finding a Good God in an Evil World
Bart Ehrman
Michael Brown
Problem of Evil
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Essay: The Facts of the Resurrection by Aaron Brake
The Facts of the Resurrection by Aaron Brake
“The evidence for the resurrection is better than for claimed miracles in any other religion. It’s outstandingly different in quality and quantity.” — Antony Flew
The truth of Christianity stands or falls on the bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ. As Paul himself said, “If Christ has not been raised, our preaching is useless and so is your faith.”1 Here the Apostle provides an objective criterion by which to judge the legitimacy of the Christian worldview. Show that Christ has not been raised from the dead and you will have successfully proven Christianity false. Consequently, it is entirely appropriate that a positive case for “Why Christianity is true” focus on the most central truth claim of the Christian faith: the Resurrection.
(MP3 Audio | RSS | iTunes)
“The evidence for the resurrection is better than for claimed miracles in any other religion. It’s outstandingly different in quality and quantity.” — Antony Flew
The truth of Christianity stands or falls on the bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ. As Paul himself said, “If Christ has not been raised, our preaching is useless and so is your faith.”1 Here the Apostle provides an objective criterion by which to judge the legitimacy of the Christian worldview. Show that Christ has not been raised from the dead and you will have successfully proven Christianity false. Consequently, it is entirely appropriate that a positive case for “Why Christianity is true” focus on the most central truth claim of the Christian faith: the Resurrection.
(MP3 Audio | RSS | iTunes)
Essay Series
The Resurrection: Fact or Fiction? MP3 Audio by William Lane Craig
William Lane Craig presents this talk entitled: Resurrection: Fact or Fiction? Another great resource from And more resurrection posts here.
Full MP3 Audio here. (90 minutes)
Full MP3 Audio here. (90 minutes)
William Lane Craig
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Essay: Making Sense of the Resurrection by Luke Nix
Making Sense of the Resurrection by Luke Nix
Every person has a worldview. A person’s worldview consists of a web of beliefs, each with its own sub-web of evidences that support it. A worldview’s truth can be judged by how closely it reflects reality as we know it. The evidences for each belief should be tested. I believe that the Christian worldview is the one that most accurately reflects reality. I will focus on providing evidences for one of the foundational beliefs of Christianity – that Jesus Christ rose bodily from the dead and that the Christian worldview is the only one that can make sense of such an historical event. (MP3 Audio | RSS | iTunes)
Every person has a worldview. A person’s worldview consists of a web of beliefs, each with its own sub-web of evidences that support it. A worldview’s truth can be judged by how closely it reflects reality as we know it. The evidences for each belief should be tested. I believe that the Christian worldview is the one that most accurately reflects reality. I will focus on providing evidences for one of the foundational beliefs of Christianity – that Jesus Christ rose bodily from the dead and that the Christian worldview is the only one that can make sense of such an historical event. (MP3 Audio | RSS | iTunes)
Essay Series
Apologist Interview: Sarah Ankenman of
Today's interview is with Sarah Ankenman, founder of the International Society of Women in Apologetics. She talks about her influences, the importance of women in apologetics, ISWA, how to get involved with the society, and ISWA's resources. Also mentioned: ICR, Veritas Evangelical Seminary, Norman Geisler's books
, and the International Society of Christian Apologetics.
Full Interview MP3 Audio here. (20 minutes)
Full Interview MP3 Audio here. (20 minutes)
Apologist Interviews
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Essay: Prophecy and Resurrection by Shelby Cade
Prophecy and Resurrection by Shelby Cade
A.W. Tozer once stated, “The unattended garden will soon be overrun with weeds; the heart that fails to cultivate truth and root out error will shortly be a theological wilderness.”1 Tozer recognized the importance of truth, especially theological truth. What evidence can be given to show that Christianity is the religion that has truth as its foundation?
In looking at the Christian truth claims compared to other religions, the divisions are distinguished by way of the evidence. Truth, by its very nature, is exclusive. Truth can be defined as that which corresponds to reality or the way things really are. If something is true, it is irrelevant if an individual believes it or not. All religions can be critiqued – including Christianity – to verify which one corresponds to the way things really are. What evidence exists for Christianity? (MP3 Audio | RSS | iTunes)
A.W. Tozer once stated, “The unattended garden will soon be overrun with weeds; the heart that fails to cultivate truth and root out error will shortly be a theological wilderness.”1 Tozer recognized the importance of truth, especially theological truth. What evidence can be given to show that Christianity is the religion that has truth as its foundation?
In looking at the Christian truth claims compared to other religions, the divisions are distinguished by way of the evidence. Truth, by its very nature, is exclusive. Truth can be defined as that which corresponds to reality or the way things really are. If something is true, it is irrelevant if an individual believes it or not. All religions can be critiqued – including Christianity – to verify which one corresponds to the way things really are. What evidence exists for Christianity? (MP3 Audio | RSS | iTunes)
Essay Series
Monday, April 12, 2010
Essay: Cumulative Reasons for Christianity by Chad Gross
Cumulative Reasons for Christianity by Chad Gross
In this essay, I will share some of the reasons that I follow Jesus Christ.
If God does not exist, each of our thoughts are simply the product of a long series of random, unreasonable accidents. As C.S. Lewis once put it: “…if… thoughts…are merely accidental by-products, why should we believe that one accident should be able to give a correct account of all the other accidents.”1
The fact that we, as finite beings, can ponder such questions as “Does God Exist?” is powerful evidence for His existence. For someone to reason about anything, God’s existence must be pre-supposed. I see no good basis for concluding that unreasonable, natural processes can produce reasoning beings. A supremely reasonable mind seems to be the most logical explanation of humanity’s reasoning abilities. (MP3 Audio | RSS | iTunes)
In this essay, I will share some of the reasons that I follow Jesus Christ.
If God does not exist, each of our thoughts are simply the product of a long series of random, unreasonable accidents. As C.S. Lewis once put it: “…if… thoughts…are merely accidental by-products, why should we believe that one accident should be able to give a correct account of all the other accidents.”1
The fact that we, as finite beings, can ponder such questions as “Does God Exist?” is powerful evidence for His existence. For someone to reason about anything, God’s existence must be pre-supposed. I see no good basis for concluding that unreasonable, natural processes can produce reasoning beings. A supremely reasonable mind seems to be the most logical explanation of humanity’s reasoning abilities. (MP3 Audio | RSS | iTunes)
Essay Series
Historical Reliability of Jesus' Resurrection MP3 Audio by Jürgen Spieß
Jürgen Spieß (PhD in Ancient History) presents this lecture on the historicity of the resurrection of Jesus. This talk (given at the European Leadership Forum, and hosted by covers the importance of the resurrection, historical research, historical sources, and the evidences for the resurrection.
Full MP3 Audio here. (1 hour)
What was last year's post? See here.
Full MP3 Audio here. (1 hour)
What was last year's post? See here.
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Sunday Quote: Mortimer Adler on the God Question
“More consequences for thought and action follow the affirmation or denial of God than from answering any other basic question.”
- Mortimer Adler
(Great Books of the Western World (Chicago: Encyclopedia Britannica, 1952), p. 561.)
- Mortimer Adler
(Great Books of the Western World (Chicago: Encyclopedia Britannica, 1952), p. 561.)
Mortimer Adler
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Book Review: The Atheist Delusion by Phil Fernandes
Book Reviews
Phil Fernandes
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- Evidence for the Resurrection MP3 Audio by William...
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- Essay: The Gospels Tell Me So by Vocab Malone & Pa...
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- The Resurrection: Fact or Fiction? MP3 Audio by Wi...
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- Apologist Interview: Sarah Ankenman of WomenInApol...
- Antony Flew: February 11, 1923 - April 8, 2010
- Essay: Prophecy and Resurrection by Shelby Cade
- Essay: Cumulative Reasons for Christianity by Chad...
- Historical Reliability of Jesus' Resurrection MP3 ...
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- Essay Series: Is Christianity True?