Wednesday, July 05, 2017

Coming Soon: The Revised Apologetics Study Bible for Students

The forthcoming revised Apologetics Study Bible for Students is for those who desire to always be "...ready to make a defense to everyone who asks you to give an account for the hope that is in you..." (1 Peter 3:15). General editor Sean McDowell explains:

"The student apologetics Bible first released in 2010 and has sold over 160,000 copies.  To be honest, this has blown away my expectations.  This shows the hunger for both relevant and practical resources that tackle the real questions students are asking.  On July 1 we are releasing an updated, expanded, and improved version.  Here are a few ways the update will be different from the first version:

1.Outdated articles have been removed or updated.
2. Individual authors went through each of their articles and improved them substantially.
3. There are 12 new articles on “hot” topics like tattoos, euthanasia, transgenderism, Islamic Jihad, religious freedom, singleness, race, and more.
4. Each of the special features (Bones & Dirt, Tactics, Twisted Scriptures, Stories, and Fast Facts) have been expanded with 5-10 more articles."1

Some of the articles within include:

  • Why does God allow evil?
  • If I can’t see God, how do I know He is real?
  • Can God’s love be reconciled with the order to kill the Canaanites?
  • Is it okay to pick and choose my religious beliefs and practices?
  • What does the Bible say about homosexuality?
  • If God made everything, why shouldn’t I smoke pot?
You can learn more about this excellent resource here.

Pre-order your copy here.

Tuesday, July 04, 2017

Book Review: The Little Book of God, Mind, Cosmos and Truth By Kenneth Francis

The strength of this book is simultaneously its greatest drawback: it is too short – just 25,000 words. Its very brevity is, of course, central to its dynamism. It seeks to hook in the curious and the unconvinced, to hold them in its grip for a short time and send them way buzzing with thoughts and questions, perhaps with a mind to undertake further investigation, evaluation and reflection. In all of this is it so successful that, paradoxically, you finish it wishing it could be longer.

 The Little Book of God, Mind, Cosmos and Truth is, in its way, an introduction to the greatest topic in the world, a topic that might obviously have merited a 15 volume theophilosophical  encyclopaedia. This slim volume has a better chance of reaching those most in need of being reached, and that is no small thing.  By virtue of being 25,000 words rather than, for example, 2.5 million words, it leaves the topic unexhausted; but it will also leave, I suspect, the even slightly open-minded reader with enough new thoughts and previously unencountered propositions to leave him restless in a way that resonates with the underlying restlessness of being human.  And that resonance of ‘restlessnesses’ will not easily be unseated.

Thursday, March 09, 2017

William Lane Craig in Ireland 2017

At long last, William Lane Craig will be visiting Ireland as part of the Reasons for Hope 2017 Tour. This tour includes stops in Cork, Dublin, and Belfast with debates and talks by William Lane Craig and John Lennox. All the events are listed here, so get your tickets now to avoid disappointment.
Of note are two debates in Ireland which will be LIVE STREAMED:
March 21: Does God Exist? debate:
William Lane Craig vs Michael Nugent

March 23Does God Exist? debate:
William Lane Craig vs Daniel Came

Talks by William Lane Craig include "Is Christianity Credible?", and talks by John Lennox include "Do God & Science Mix?" Keep an eye on the Facebook page here, so you can get updates on the Live Streaming debates, as well as find details for getting tickets.

See you there!

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