• Systematic Theology 1 - Reformed Theological Seminary (RTS)
• Systematic Theology 2 - RTS
• Systematic Theology 3 - RTS
• Christian Apologetics - RTS (John Frame)
• Intro to Theology - Dallas Theological Seminary
• Apologetics and Outreach - Covenant Theological Seminary (Jerram Barrs)
• Apologetics - Assemblies of God Theological Seminary (Charles Self)
• Apologetics 678: Western and New Religions - Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary
• Apologetics 570: Far Eastern Religions - Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary
• Introduction to Apologetics - Liberty University (Ergun Caner)
• New Testament History & Theology - Covenant Theological Seminary
• History of Philosophy and Christian Thought - RTS (John Frame)
• Wayne Grudem's Systematic Theology
Thank you so much for this list. IT IS SO GOOD! I also wanted to thank you for the consitancy of your posting; it always helpful stuff.
:-( Can't access them without iTunes. I'm on Linux, so I can't run iTunes. I have a python script which is supposed to decode iTunes feed links and discover the underlying RSS link for the true location. It used to work, but doesn't for these; Apple seems to have changed something in the way the url's work now, so no such luck. Sigh! They look like such good courses, too.
I read online that iTunes displays the real RSS link somewhere in the description within the interface (I've never actually seen the iTunes interface myself). Is this true? If so, if someone could post the RSS link for the two from Liberty on Far Eastern Religions and Western and New religions, I would be grateful.
I will try to get the RSS feed locations for you later this evening. That is, unless someone else gets to them first.
Thanks, Brian, much appreciated. And I really appreciate this site and all the work you've put into it! I've been coming here for some time to get more audio. It's been so long now I don't even remember how I learned of it. Anyway thanks much!
For the John Frame "History of Phil. and Christian Thought," I do have a non-iTunes url, which I got from another location a long time ago.
Its split into two parts:
Ok, see what you can do with these: http://deimos3.apple.com/WebObjects/Core.woa/Feed/liberty-public.1657607383.01657607388
I don't know if that does what you want or not, but that is the address that is in the iTunes subscription. Notice that for the links in this post the word "Browse" is simply replaced by the word "Feed".
Let me know if that gets you any closer to a solution. I don't see a straight RSS feed address.
Thanks, Jared for your kind comments, by the way!
I was a bit disappointed at the content of the Charles Self lectures. Although there are helpful bits here and there, the talks go off on too many tangents. Not my first recommendation.
Brian, thanks for the updated links. However, still no luck. The "decoder" script still can't do anything with them.
Don't worry about it, though. I'll get them somehow. Maybe I'll have to find a Windows machine somewhere and load up iTunes; or play around with running it in Wine (which I've read is possible, but tricky). In the mean-time, I've got plenty of other material to digest. In fact, I just did a search of "podcast" on your site and turned up references to probably a half a dozen or more that I plugged into my podcatcher, and will spend some time catching up on.
Check out the Things that Matter Most podcast. I think it is one of the better podcasts. Which reminds me, I need to update the "16 best podcasts" list to reflect my updated opinion!
I successfully decoded the Wayne Grudem Systematic Theology RSS link:
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