Full Interview MP3 Audio here. (53 min)
Clay mentions a few books that may be of interest:
• The Many Faces of Evil by John S. Feinberg
• The Problem of Pain
• Till We Have Faces: A Myth Retold
• When God Weeps
Giveaway for FREE Apologetics Products
The Graduate Program in Christian Apologetics is giving away two Clay Jones "Why God Allows Evil" lecture CDs to two people. To be entered in this contest, leave a comment on this post. Each person will only be counted once, even if multiple comments are left. Giveaway ends on May 21 at 11:59 pm PST. Winners will be chosen at random using random.org and notified by email.
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For more interviews, subscribe to the Apologetics 315 Interviews podcast here or in iTunes.
Love the interviews. Keep up the great work!
Keep up the great work, Brian!
Thanks for the interviews.
This blog has been a great resource for my high school worldview class. Keep it up! I look forward to reading each post.
I've been following your blog for the last couple of months and found the resources massively helpful - thanks!
Excellent interview
Solid answers for serious questions ... thanks a ton.
Thanks for all that you do at Biola!
Daniel A.
Memphis, TN
Roger Sharp
Confident Christianity Apologetics Ministry
Sweet interview. I'm still learning a lot on theodicy and the problem of evil in the world. i've been listening and reading a lot on it and establishing my own answers as well (learning to think for myself lol) but good stuff for sure!
i appreciate you for giving all these sources and all the book reviews and such. be blessed!
Dr. Jones is one of my professors at Biola. Good to finally hear him! (I'm in the distance program, where we all interact via Blackboard, a text based system.)
Dr. Jones is spot on! I appreciate his sobering acknowledgement of man's own state of sinfulness within the overall context of evil. I've heard it said simply this way:
- we overestimate our own goodness
- we underestimate our own sinfulness; and,
- we underestimate the holiness of God.
I'm looking forward to Dr. Jones' book. Thank you for posting this interview!
Great stuff! Thanks for posting this. It's great that Dr. Jones has invested so much into such a crucial issue in apologetics.
I am starting to put some serious study into the POE due to some growing questions in my mind and this helped me get in the right direction. Great interview!
Be sure to check out Clay's new blog as well at clayjones.net.
Great interview!
I'm really thankful for allowing so much information to be available for people like us.
Keep it up
Good work Brian, I really love the interviews component of this site.
You may remember me messaging you a little while back about a debate at my school. The debate itself went quite well, there was some interesting arguments that were brought up by the guys on the other side that I literally had never heard of before.
However I think we were able to deal with those objections pretty effectively, but it was this; the problem of evil and suffering that really posed a problem, especially in the discussion time afterwards. It is then that I saw how much emotion often trumps reason for many people. So many times they said, "OK fine, so there's no NECESSARY logical contradiction. But I'm sorry, I just can't believe that a God exists and that he doesn't do anything to stop it when he sees all this suffering."
This interview was immensely helpful, Brian, and will be of use to me in the future conversations I have with my friends on this subject.
This problem of evil was the main objection that kept coming back in the discussion time
Great to hear that, Michael.
For those who aren't lucky enough to 'win' the drawing for Clay's CDs about the problem of evil, I would really highly recommend getting ahold of them, as he really presents some helpful material on the subject.
Here is my post for entry...
I would also like to reccommend a site that I just recently found which contains text and audio resources dealing with Theology, Archeology, Biology and Astrophysics. The site feels a bit dated to be sure, but from what I can gather so far, the content is excellent.
It is: www.ibri.org
I particularly reccomend the Robert C. Newman library.
Thanks for your wonderful work!
Can someone help me understand what Clay Jones meant when he was talking about C.S. Lewis and theistic evolution and it being outdated. What was he specifically talking about? I'm just curious as to what Clay Jones was alluding to.
Brian, thanks for all the audio, book reviews, resources, and everything else. The other day I listened to Scott Smith. Thanks.
Was there a first human pair (Adam & Eve) who so grievously sinned against God when tested that all of the rest of us are being punished for it (including animals), even though no one but the first human pair deserved to be punished? If it's argued that all of us deserve to be punished because we all would have sinned, then the test was a sham. For only if some of us would not have sinned can the test be considered a fair one. But if some of us would not have sinned under the same initial conditions then there are people who are being punished for something they never would have done.
For John Loftus: you need to accept the fact that Genesis describes Adam and Eve as those of "federal headship," meaning their created bent toward sin is universal. The test is for one man and woman, all others who are exactly the same. You are making a huge assumption that someone else "might not sin" but Romans says "all have sinned." Its a clear declaration that the test only needs to be performed once. That's like saying if a cell splits, maybe there's a future cell that may not split, when a scientist has established that the cell'a DNA requires that all will split. I'm not saying God determined or required that all men will sin, but nonetheless the Bible says all men will indeed sin, hence only one need for the test. We can of course, claim that there may not be a sinner, and the burden of proof would be on you.
Christians trust the Creator when he says in effect, "all *will* sin." Again, we have no rational reason to assume otherwise, good works notwithstanding.
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