Monday, July 05, 2010

Get a Chance to Win 3 Apologetics Books: Apologetics315 Survey

After Friday's free book giveaway, there is still a chance to get your hands on some more free apologetics books. This time, Apologetics 315 is giving away THREE apologetics books (you get to choose from a list). You get a chance to win by filling out a fairly brief survey for Ap315. This survey gets your feedback on how you use the site as well as where you would like it to go in the future. It will help me get a better idea about where to spend my energies.

Fill out the Survey Here.

Thanks for your time and input. - Brian Auten

One winner will be chosen at random at the end of the week. However, I still appreciate all input in this survey for future planning purposes. 


Unknown said...

Thanks for the giveaway Brian. I look forward to the future of 315 with great anticipation.

Seth said...

So who won the contest? :)

Brian said...

"David Dalton" is the initial winner, but has not replied to my emails... If I don't hear back from him soon I will need to select a new winner!

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