• Reasoning from the Scriptures with the Jehovah's Witnesses
• 5-Minute Apologetics for Today
• The Complete Guide to Bible Translations
• Conviction without Compromise
• Commonly Misunderstood Bible Verses: Clear Explanations for the Difficult Passages
Check out his audio lectures:
• Where's the Discernment - MP3
• Witnessing to Jehovah's Witnesses, the Deity of Christ - MP3
• Interpretive Principles - MP3
• The Emergence of Mysticism in the Modern Church - MP3
• Reasoning From the Scriptures with the Jehovah's Witnesses - MP3
• Reasoning From the Scriptures with the Catholics - MP3
• The Truth Behind Ghosts, Mediums, and the Psychic Phenomenon - MP3
• Subjectivism, Emotionalism, Mysticism in the Modern Church - MP3
• Answering Jehovah's Witnesses: Doctrine of Christ - MP3
• Wrestling with the Problem of Evil - MP3
• Three Biggest Errors Cultists Make - MP3
Also added to the Ultimate Apologetics MP3 Audio page.
Great stuff!
Thank you Brian!
Where are the "Reasoning from Scipture with Eastern Orthodox" or Coptics, or Armenians, etc.
I came across this site because I liked Dinesh D’Souza debates. I wish to provide comments on the Catholic link (only on a select few points). He made many errors on what the Catholic Church teaches.
Initial justification (the initial forgiveness of sins and receiving the Holy Spirit) is by “the righteousness of God through faith in Jesus Christ” and through Baptism (cf. Rom 3:22, 6:3-4, Acts 2:38, 22:16). From Catechism of the Catholic Church (henceforth CCC) para. 1987.
This includes repentance and conversion in accepting forgiveness and the righteousness of God (CCC para. 1989)
CCC para. 1991:
Justification is at the same time the acceptance of God’s righteousness through faith in Jesus Christ…With justification, faith, hope, and charity are poured into our hearts, and obedience to the divine will is granted us.
Justification is always by grace. We would accept an analogy like a lit candle having light (faith) and warmth (works) present together. The Catholic understanding of merit is not us earning rewards on our own steam, but laying claim to blessings God has promised to the faithful by God’s grace.
Biblical evidence for mortal and venial sin in 1 Jn 5:16-17.
2 Tim 3:16 – does not say that only the scriptures are useful for these things (Scriptures are, however, pre-eminent). 1 Cor 11:1-2, 2 Thess 2:15 are on apostolic authority, the Church built on Christ and apostles (Eph 2:20) is the pillar of the truth (1 Tim 3:15). Church council was authoritative in Acts 15-16. Was led by the Holy Spirit and resulted in the deliverance of things for the faithful to observe. This is the model and belief of the Catholic Church for councils. Contrary to his claim that the Catholic Church only included the “apocryphal” books after the Reformation in the canon, Church councils defined the canon of Scripture including the 46 Old Testament books as listed by Trent in Rome, Hippo, Carthage III, Carthage IV (all in the 4th – 5th century’s).
Sacrifice of the mass- not re-sacrifices but bring the merits of Christ’s one sacrifice to us in an unbloody manner. You would believe prayer and faith brings Christ’s grace and blessing to us, we believe sacraments like the Eucharist (connected with the sacrifice of the mass), were instituted by Christ as another means He intends to do this. Hebrews states Christ is our High Priest, holds His priesthood permanently (Heb 7:24-25), the very role of Priest involves offering gift and sacrifice (Heb 8:3), Christ is our priest forever in the order of Melchizedek (Ps 110:4, Heb 7:17), Melchizedek offers bread and wine (Gen 14:18), and Christ offers this pure offering through His ministers (Mal 1:11).
All Catholic doctrines are supported by Scripture in the belief of Scott Hahn and Gerry Matatics. I do like this site Apologetics 315 site overall though so thanks for the work.
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