Friday, January 04, 2013

Weekly Apologetics Bonus Links (12/28 - 01/04)

Here are this week's recommended apologetics links. Enjoy.
On The Dangers Of Fideism
Eyewitness Testimony Unreliable?
Apologetic Wednesday: Think
SALT Apologetic Conference 2013
The Atheistic Leap of Faith
11 Ways to be a Better Thinker in 2013
10 Reference Books for the Apologist
Free on Kindle: "Relational Apologetics"
Mammalian Ear Has "Extraordinary Features"
Richard Dawkins meets David Roberts (video)
Interview with Darrell Bock on Bible Contradictions
Alabama Baptists plan apologetics conference
"The Ambition" by Lee Strobel only 2.99 on Kindle
Why the Argument from Suboptimal Design Is Weak
12 Mistakes for Christmas (#9 Worshipping Your Shopping List)
Stepping Up to the Plate: The Call for Community Apologists
"The Making of an Atheist" by James Spiegel: 99 cents on Kindle
Frank Turek interviews Phil Fernandes on the Historical Jesus (MP3)
Five More Myths about Bible Translations and the Transmission of the Text
"Intelligent Design: The Most Credible Idea?" Stephen Meyer in Cambridge (video)
Why Should We Trust the Gospels When Eyewitness Testimony Is So Unreliable?
Tim McGrew replies to Babinski's Critique of Undesigned Coincidences
"Does God Exist?" Upcoming debate between William Lane Craig & Alex Rosenburg
I nominate this for book of the year 2013: "Cold-Case Christianity" by J. Warner Wallace

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