Belief: The fundamental positive cognitive attitude that commonly takes a proposition as its object. Most philosophers hold that propositional beliefs can be occurrent, in which case there is conscious assent to a proposition, or nonoccurrent, in which case a person has a disposition to assent to a proposition (such as 2+3=5) even though the person is not consciously thinking of that proposition. Theologians distinguish belief
that something is the case from belief
in a person or ideal, as when a person believes in God or democracy. The latter seems closer to the biblical concept of faith. It seems clear, however, that belief in God is not possible without some propositional beliefs as well, since one could hardly believe in God if one did not believe that God existed or believe anything about God's character.
I think you mean Stanley J. Grenz... not Grantz.
Very helpful...I would also like to learn more about the deeper nature of belief. What actually is it and/or what happens within us when we exercise it, since it is so vital that we cannot even know God without it?
It is my belief that "form" should be "from". If this is a seeded error and I have just won a complete apologetics library, woo-hoo!
Thanks for finding that error, Adam. Fixed now. And I see you like Cush... yes! Good stuff.
Yes, that error was there for you to catch. Award ceremony to be announced.
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