Saturday, September 28, 2013

Book Review: What Every Christian Needs To Know About The Qur’an by James White

Islam is one of the fastest growing religions in the world with a membership of over one billion worldwide and over five million in the United States. The growth of Islam within the United States is challenging the way many evangelicals witness to people. The growing complexity of relationships between the United States and the Arab world after the events of 9/11, and the growing tide of terrorism, warrant an exploration into what true Islam is. In his new book What Every Christian Needs To Know About The Qur’an, Dr. James White writes to help Christians “understand the Qur’an’s teachings as it impacts our interactions with Muslims and events throughout our world” (12).  He wants to “draw out the Qur’an’s teachings on the key issues that separate Muslims and Christians and that form the basis of our dialogues and differences” (12). Dr. White does this by looking at the history surrounding Muhammad, the Qur’an itself, Allah, the Trinity, and Jesus, the prophecies of Muhammad in the Bible, and the transmission and text of the Qur’an.

Dr. White has debated leading Muslim apologists the world over and is well-known for being an authority on the matter. His book demonstrates not only a high degree of scholarship and knowledge, but also helps the Christian understand what Muslims actually teach. What Every Christian Needs to Know about the Qur’an has provided a model for how Christians can think biblically and seriously about Islam from a biblical worldview. This book will aid readers in several ways. First, in this reviewer’s assessment, while the scholarship of this book is top-notch it is not over the head of the average person, however, it will force them to think seriously about the issue and challenge them to open up a Bible. Second, this book will help Christians engage in meaningful and honest discussion with Muslims about what Islam teaches and why they believe its tenets. In this reviewer’s opinion, this book fills a huge need by helping readers learn what Islam really teaches straight from its sacred text. Finally, and most importantly, the book engages the reader at the worldview level by helping Christians understand not just what Muslim’s believe about a variety of topics, but also the mindset of the Islamic faith. When one factors in the combination of things just mentioned, this book will prove to be a powerful boon to God’s people to help strengthen the Church in its task to be ready to give an answer to Islam with gentleness and respect.

Dr. White in Every Christian Needs to Know about the Qur’an helps Christians learn what Islam teaches from the Qur’an itself by helping them understand the worldview and mindset of the Muslim people without attacking them. Through fair and accurate use of the Qur’an and other relevant documents, the author teaches about Christ, salvation, the Trinity, the afterlife and several other vital topics. Whether brand new to the study of Islam or studying it a long time, What Every Christian Needs to Know about the Qur’an has something for each group. Reading What Every Christian Needs to Know About the Qur’an will help the reader understand not just the challenges of Islam but how to answer Muslim challenges with the Gospel of the Lord Jesus from the Word of God.

Apologetics 315 Book Reviewer Dave Jenkins is the Director of Servants of Grace Ministries. He enjoys biblical, systematic and historical theology and apologetics. More of his writing can be found at


W R Dick Lockhart said...

We need to establish a relationship before Muslims will listen to our content. A needed book thanks!

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