A Reasonable Response: Answers to Tough Questions on God, Christianity and the Bible (Moody Publishers) seeks to offer a particular kind of reading and learning experience with Bill's work, which I think readers will find to be distinct from their other experiences with Bill's other contributions. Fox News chief religion correspondent, Lauren Green, recently described the book as "fascinating," "user-friendly," and "wonderful" in the course of her recent interview with Bill. In his endorsement of the book, Stand to Reason's youth apologetics influencer, Brett Kunkle, correctly observes that "[A Reasonable Response] does not dump a bunch of answers in your lap and then send you on your way. No, this book lingers with you, inviting you into the practice of thinking itself." Exactly!
So, here are some distinct ways that we try to facilitate a particular reading experience:

Second, we show Bill answering questions that are not canned, generic or simply needing a Bible proof-text in order to be answered. So, we wanted to showcase a particular collection of Q&A from ReasonableFaith.org. To do so, I put my ‘Joe as content curator’ hat on and went digging in the dimly lit corridors of the ReasonableFaith.org archive in order to establish a ‘canon’ of Q&A that would eventually become A Reasonable Response. The selecting of Q&A was really more ‘art’ than ‘science.’ Some of my guiding questions were like "Is it interesting?" "Is it insightful?" "Is it instructive?" (looking back, I now realize that we could have been far more scientific in our choosing by pulling a "Jesus Seminar" on this endeavor, establish a committee, and then vote with colored beads to determine which Q&A would make-the-cut. But, alas, the beads were unavailable for purchase - you have to use the right beads! - and they don't glow-in-the-dark). Seriously, though, we don't claim that this collection is comprehensive or even that this canon is ‘closed.’
Third, as the collection of Q&A was forming, distinct themes began to emerge, which eventually became articulated as the six parts of the book. So, real briefly, we feature Q&A related to
- Part One: Knowing and Believing What is Real.
- Part Two: God's Attributes
- Part Three: Origins and the Meaning of Life
- Part Four: Afterlife and Problem of Evil
- Part Five: Jesus Christ and Being His Disciple
- Part Six: Issues of Christian Practice
Fourth, in order to further enhance the reading experience, I offer 2-3 pages of Introduction for each of the six parts, in order to help frame the expectations of the reader, but to also encourage further study relevant to the topics discussed in the Q&A from a given part. So, for example, I provide further resources by Bill, which are arranged by "beginner," "intermediate," and "advanced" levels of comprehension. I also provide other "supplemental recommended resources" by other credible thinkers. One of our aspirations for A Reasonable Response is that it might encourage greater study in the topics that Bill addresses in this book, even if you disagree with him. In the course of any Q&A, Bill doesn't say all that he would like to say; the genre doesn't permit that. Moreover, I tend to want to learn more when someone doesn't tell me 'everything' they think on a topic. We think that readers may have a similar experience with the Q&A in this book; it might prod, invite, and perhaps even compel toward further study about what you think and believe about topic x, y or z. If that happens, we think the book has been effectual.
Fifth, I help the reader see how Bill might be a model of ‘how to get the job done’ when answering people's questions. So, for most of the Q&A, I offer some observations about what to possibly 'notice' in a question or answer (maybe the observation is about the relevancy of a distinction, emphasis, a definition, assumptions, etc). These appear in boxes off-to-the-side of the main text, labeled, "INSIGHTS." We worked with Moody to avoid cluttering the text but to also give place for these observations. For me, these INSIGHTS were motivated by the value of 'learning in the doing,' and the desire to facilitate that instructional value when reading a Q&A. Bill’s not perfect, and not everyone will agree with how he answers. I simply encourage readers to maintain a teachable posture and find instruction wherever they may as they read A Reasonable Response.
Sixth, capitalizing on the instructional value of Bill-as-exemplar of the practice and ministry of answering people's questions, my Introduction seeks to offer a broader perspective of this practice and ministry beyond what self-identified 'Christian apologists' might expect of themselves or of those they lead. My opening "meditation" not only helps frame the reader's expectation of what follows and how to profit by the reading of this book, but then reflects on these relevant topics:
- How asking questions can connect us with reality.
- How asking questions is integral to discipleship.
- How questions are core to the spiritual discipline of study.
- The role of questions when dealing with doubt.
- On answering people's questions as a ministry for their good.
- How asking and answering questions is healthy for the local church.
Seventh, further leveraging the values and goals of the Introduction and Conclusion, I provide three appendixes that help to envision not only possible uses of this book in a small group learning context (see Appendix 1), but also perspective on fostering question-asking and answer-seeking environments in the Family, the local Church, and places of Employment (Appendix 2). All three environments merit the care and thoughtfulness of Christian influencers, but how we think about the local church is indispensable. For that reason, I am grateful for the 'apologetics and the local church' discussion stimulated here at Apologetics315 and elsewhere. I try to extend that discussion further by
- Identifying 9 different models for conceiving apologetics work in the local church.
- Offering general implementation recommendations for 'doing' apologetics in the local church.
- Discerning 7 lead-questions for church leaders to ask in order to understand the value of an 'apologetics endeavor' in a congregation.
- Surfacing common mistakes and problematic assumption to avoid when advocating for apologetics training.
- 3 behavioral problems that often shape online discussions and why they should be addressed.
- 10 crucial factors toward developing a framework for online civility.
- 20 general recommendations toward a more civil, online engagement.
Our hope is that A Reasonable Response will be a valuable resource and encouragement that keeps on giving, whether in whole or in part, to anyone who wants to grow in the ministry of helping to answer people's questions in Jesus' name.
Joe Gorra is involved with various publishing endeavors for Biola University's graduate program in Christian apologetics and the founder and director of the religious nonprofit, Veritas Life Center, which seeks to show the relevancy of Christianity as a tradition of understanding and wisdom for living a flourishing life. Twitter:@GorraResearch.
Moody is pleased to offer a 50% discount through shopmoodypublishers.com using coupon code: 50%Auten315. Expires: January 1, 2014.
ReasonableFaith Q&A have been a blessing to me since 2008. Keep up the good work.
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