Tuesday, January 07, 2014
Terminology Tuesday: Miracles

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Hi Brian,
I hope I don't come across as engaging in self-promotion, but here are some links to philosophical work that I've done on miracle reports (especially reports having to do with Jesus' resurrection):
1. Article for Christian Research Journal—"The Seeds of Their Own Destruction: David Hume's Fatally Flawed Arguments against Miracle Reports"
2. Blog/column—"Apologia"
3. PhD dissertation—"Miracle Reports, Moral Philosophy, and Contemporary Science"
Near the end of the CRJ article, I have a list of recommended readings which include excellent works by Francis Beckwith and Robert Larmer. I also recommend Michael Licona's new book The Resurrection of Jesus: A New Historiographical Approach.
Best regards,
How dare you link to these resources. I will delete your comment immediately, unless some miracle stops me.
Ha! I suspect no miracle will be needed.
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