1. Kerby Anderson - VP of International Society of Christian Apologetics.
2. John Ankerberg - Founder of Ankerberg Theological Research Institute; Great podcast.
3. Greg Bahnsen - the late great presuppositional apologist. Debated Gordon Stein.
4. Andy Bannister - London School of Theology / Oxford Centre for Christian apologetics.
5. Francis Beckwith - noted philosopher and apologist, especially in the area of ethics.
6. Ken Boa - relational evangelism, discipleship, apologetics.
7. Darrell Bock - Research Professor of NT Studies at Dallas Theological Seminary.
8. Joe Boot - apologist, educator, author and pastor.
9. Robert Bowman - noted apologetics and theology teacher (Biola)
10. Justin Brierley - host of Unbelievable? on Premier Christian Radio, UK.
11. Kyle Butt - staff at Apologetics Press and editor of Discovery magazine. Debated Barker.
12. Ted Cabal - general editor of The Apologetics Study Bible.
13. Charlie Campbell - itinerant apologist and head of AlwaysBeReady.com.
14. Edward John Carnell - was a prominent and influential Christian theologian and apologist.
15. G.K. Chesterton - famous author, philosopher, theologian, apologist.
16. David K. Clark - apologist with notable books; teaches at Bethel Seminary
17. Gordon Clark - Christian philosopher, apologist, and theologian. Contemporary of Van Til.
18. Kelly James Clark - notable philosopher of religion, author; Calvin College.
19. Gene Cook - host of UnchainedRadio; reformed pastor and apologist. Owns a pit bull.
20. Paul Copan - Philosophy and ethics; noted apologist and author.
21. Winfried Corduan - Christian philosopher of religion; noted author.
22. Steven B. Cowan - Associate director of Apologetics Resource Center; Areopagus Journal
23. William Lane Craig - philosopher, theologian, apologist; Debater par excellence.
24. William Dembski - philosopher of science and mathematician; ID theorist.
25. William Edgar - Professor of Apologetics Westminster Theological Seminary; jazz pianist.
26. Lenny Esposito - founder of ComeReason apologetics ministry.
27. C. Stephen Evans - philosophy of religion; apologetics; great author. Baylor.
28. Paul D. Feinberg - the late philosopher of religion and apologist; author.
29. Harold Felder - founder of GivingAnAnswer apologetics ministry.
30. Phil Fernandes - Christian philosopher, apologist, debater. Tremendous audio resources.
31. John Frame - Reformed Theological Seminary; reformed apologist; Van Til expert.
32. Norman Geisler - prolific author of over 70 books; Classical apologist.
33. R. Douglas Geivett - Professor of Philosophy Talbot Department of Philosophy / Biola
34. Simon Greenleaf - legal scholar famous for his book Testimony of the Evangelists.
35. Douglas Groothuis - Christian philosopher, author, teacher.
36. Shandon L. Guthrie - philosophy, apologetics, atheism, comparative religions, ethics.
37. Gary Habermas - the world's foremost expert on the resurrection of Jesus.
38. Hank Hanegraaff - today's Bible Answer Man.
39. Craig Hazen - director of Biola's Christian Apologetics program.
40. J.P. Holding - founded Tektonics apologetics website; author.
41. Anthony Horvath - Athanatos Christian Ministries and online Apologetics Academy.
42. Phillip E. Johnson - one of the key leaders of the Intelligent Design movement.
43. Walter Kaiser - scholar, writer, educator, and distinguished Professor of Old Testament.
44. Timothy Keller - urban pastor and apologist noted for his clear communication.
45. Greg Koukl - apologist and president of Stand to Reason; excellent radio program.
46. Peter Kreeft - professor of philosophy at Boston College, noted apologist.
47. John Lennox - philosopher of science, mathematician, Oxford debater of Dawkins.
48. C.S. Lewis - famous author, lecturer, apologist; Narnia books, Mere Christianity.
49. Gordon Lewis - philosopher and theologian; author of Testing Christianity's Truth Claims.
50. Mike Licona - historian and apologist; authority on the resurrection of Jesus.
51. Bruce Little - philosopher noted for work on the problem of evil and theodicy.
52. Paul Little - late apologist and author noted for his simple style and easy communication.
53. David Marshall - world cultures, outspoken against new atheism.
54. Walter Martin - most famous for his Kingdom of the Cults book; the original Answer Man.
55. Stuart McAllister - Scottish itinerant cultural apologist with RZIM.
56. Josh McDowell - famous for Evidence that Demands a Verdict.
57. Sean McDowell - worldview youth minister / itinerant apologist.
58. Alex McFarland - itinerant apologist targeting young people, teens.
59. Timothy McGrew - philosophy, historical apologetics, resurrection, probability.
60. Alister McGrath - Oxford professor of theology, author and opponent of new atheism.
61. Chad Meister - philosopher of religion, ethics, logic; apologist, author; Bethel College.
62. Angus Menuge - Concordia University professor of philosophy.
63. Stephen Meyer -philosopher of science, intelligent design theorist, author.
64. Albert Mohler - president of SBTS, worldview cultural commentator, author, radio host.
65. John Warwick Montgomery - perhaps the most famous evidentialist apologist.
66. J.P. Moreland - Christian philosopher, noted author, apologist.
67. Jonathan Morrow - blogger, author and Christian worldview apologist.
68. Ronald Nash - Professor Philosophy and Theology at Reformed Theological Seminary
69. Randall Niles - itinerant and multimedia apologist.
70. David Noebel - founder of Summit Ministries and worldview apologist.
71. Scott Oliphint - Professor of Apologetics and Systematic Theology WTS
72. Amy Orr-Ewing - Director of Training of the Zacharias Trust.
73. Craig Parton - trial lawyer and noted Lutheran apologist.
74. Alvin Plantinga - world-class philosopher; reformed epistemology, philosophy of religion.
75. Doug Powell - excellent multimedia apologist at SelflessDefense.
76. Michael Ramsden - European Director of Zacharias Trust, speaker for RZIM.
77. Fazale Rana - PhD biochemist with Reasons to Believe.
78. Ron Rhodes - author and apologist founder of Reasoning from the Scriptures.
79. John W. Robbins - reformed apologist, founder of Trinity Foundation.
80. Mark D. Roberts - pastor, author, speaker, blogger. Emphasis in NT / Gospels.
81. David Robertson - Scottish pastor famous/notorious for his Dawkins Letters.
82. Hugh Ross - astrophysicist apologist and old Earth creationist; founder Reasons to Believe.
83. Kenneth Samples - reformed philosopher, theologian, apologist with Reasons to Believe.
84. Francis Schaeffer - famous late cultural apologist, author, philosopher; founder of L'Abri.
85. Mary Jo Sharp - author, apologist, debater; founder of Confident Christianity.
86. James Sire - influential worldview author, apologist, and speaker.
87. Matt Slick - founder of CARM.org, one of the best apologetics encyclopedias on the web.
88. R.C. Sproul - notable theologian, author, and classical apologist.
89. Don Stewart - prolific author, apologist, and host of the Bible Explorer.
90. Lee Strobel - journalist famous for his Case for Christ series of books; popular apologist.
91. Richard Swinburne - world-class Oxford philosopher of religion; author.
92. Frank Turek - itinerant apologist and founder of CrossExamined; debated Hitchens.
93. Cornelius Van Til - the most famous presuppositional reformed apologist.
94. Jim Wallace - cold case detective, pastor, and apologist; excellent podcast.
95. James White - theologian, author, prolific debater, and reformed apologist.
96. Dallas Willard - Christian philosopher; notable works in philosophy, discipleship,
97. Peter S. Williams - Christian philosopher; notable works countering Dawkins
98. Douglas Wilson - presuppositional apologist; number of atheist debates (Hitchens, Barker)
99. N.T. Wright - Bishop of Durham; notable work on the resurrection.
100. Ravi Zacharias -perhaps today's most notable international cultural apologist.