Friday, June 26, 2009

Apologetics 315 Audio Junkie Feed

If you are an audio junkie and like apologetics stuff, here's the feed for you. This is one way we keep the Apologetics315 iPod stocked with good MP3s. Audio will be constantly added to the feed (a podcast). If it is pretty good, it will stay on the feed. If it isn't, it will get deleted off the feed. You can keep track of what's going into this feed by following on twitter.

Feed here. Subscribe directly in iTunes.



Ryan Hemelaar said...

Thanks Brian, great resource!

Brian said...

Thanks, Ryan.
It seemed convenient for my personal use, so I thought I would just make it public so others can benefit too. If you come across great audio links to share, email them to apologetics315 at gmail dot com, and I will consider adding them into the feed.

Humbly Hip said...

wow this is Great, You ROCK!!!

Anonymous said...

Thank you brother for all your hard work

Paijo Budi said...

Thanks for this Brian.

Greetings from Indonesia

Neil said...

subscribed! thanks much!

Brian said...

Thank You Brian! Great information!

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