Today's interview is with New Testament scholar
Dr. Craig Blomberg, distinguished professor of New Testament at
Denver Seminary in Colorado. He talks about how he got into NT studies, the importance of the Gospels and their dating, how we determine the authorship of the Gospels, how we got four Gospels and not more, the selection of the Gospel canon, the use of non-canonical sources, dealing with miracles account found in historical documents, responding to the claim of contradictions in the Gospels, interpreting historical documents, differences in the Gospel of John, the work and impact of
Bart Ehrman
, the "all-or-nothing" approach to reliability of scripture, dealing with prophetic passages by Jesus, and advice to Christian apologists.
Interview MP3 Audio here (53 min)
Books by Craig Blomberg include:
The Historical Reliability of the Gospels
Jesus and the Gospels: An Introduction and Survey
A Handbook of New Testament Exegesis
Interpreting the Parables
Making Sense of the New Testament: Three Crucial Questions