B = Beginner
I = Intermediate
A = Advanced
Boa, Ken and Bowman, Robert. Faith Has Its Reasons
Campbell-Jack, Campbell. New Dictionary of Christian Apologetics
Cowan, Steven. Five Views on Apologetics
Craig, William Lane. On Guard
________. Reasonable Faith
Critical Questions Booklet Series
Dulles, Avery. A History of Apologetics
Evans, Stephen. Pocket Dictionary of Apologetics and Philosophy of Religion
Little, Paul. Know What
Behe, Michael. The Edge of Evolution
Boa, Ken and Bowman, Robert. 20 Compelling Evidences that God Exists
Copan, Paul and Moser, Paul. The Rationality of Theism
Craig, William Lane Craig and Moreland, J. P. The Blackwell Companion to Natural Theology
Craig, William Lane and Sinnott-Armstrong, Walter. God?: A Debate between a Christian and an Atheist
Garcia, Robert and King, Nathan, eds. Is Goodness without God Good Enough?
Strobel, Lee. The Case for a Creator
Wallace, Stan, ed. Does God Exist?
Craig, William Lane. The Son Rises
________. Assessing the New Testament Evidence for the Historicity of the Resurrection of Jesus
Evans, Craig. Fabricating Jesus
France, R. T. The Evidence for Jesus
Green, Joel, et al., eds. Dictionary of Jesus and the Gospels
Gundry, Robert H. Mark: A Commentary on his Apology for the Cross. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Wm. B. Eerdmans, 1993. (A)
Guthrie, Donald. New Testament Introduction
Hemer, Colin. The Book of Acts in the Setting of Hellenistic History
Strobel, Lee. The Case for Christ
Wright, N. T. The Resurrection of the Son of God
Craig, William Lane and Moreland, J. P. Philosophical Foundations for a Christian Worldview
Murray, Michael. Nature Red in Tooth and Claw
________. ed. Reason for the Hope Within
Plantinga, Alvin. God, Freedom, and Evil
Strobel, Lee. The Case for Faith
Boyd, Gregory. Cynic, Sage, or Son of God?
Copan, Paul. Is God a Moral Monster?
________. “True for You, But Not for Me.”
________. That’s Just Your Interpretation
________, ed. Will the Real Jesus Please Stand Up?
Copan, Paul and Tacelli, Ronald. Jesus’ Resurrection: Fact or Figment?
Craig, William Lane and Copan, Paul, eds. Contending with Christianity's Critics
Craig, William Lane and Ehrman, Bart D. “Is There Historical Evidence for the Resurrection of Jesus?” (B)
Craig, William Lane and Meister, Chad, eds. God Is Great, God Is Good
Johnson, Luke. The Real Jesus
Wallace, Dan. “The Gospel according to Bart.” (B)
Wilkins, Michael and Moreland, J.P., eds. Jesus under Fire
Thanks for putting this together, it is quite helpful.
That photoshop made me laugh.
Where´s Swinburne from that list, I wonder!
I'm pretty surprised he didn't recommend Moreland's Scaling the Secular City.
(PS: we need to petition Baker Books and Dr. Moreland to update that classic).
The only section I would add to Craig's list is a section on making apologetics practical and add books like Tatics, people skills, communication, critical thinking and interpersonal techniques.
Excellent post, Brian!
Thanks. I heard him mention a few in a past interview but this is a great list.
@Anonymous--I've always wondered whether Craig and Swinburne get along. They seem to very infrequently cite each other's work (or even acknowledge it). I suspect part of it is the difference in their concepts of God (specifically on omniscience) as well as other doctrines (such as inerrancy). In any case, "Is there a God?" by Swinburne could easily be added to that list.
I frequently hear Craig mention Swinburne when naming off top-rate philosophers who are Christian. He seems to have a good deal of respect for him.
Craig discusses Swinburne's theories at length in his Philosophy of Religion class, at least during the classes recorded for the DVD lectures. He seems to find Swinburne's theories helpful and worth thinking about even though he disagrees with him on some finer points. I'd also add Swinburne's book "Was Jesus God?" to the list, even though I also disagree with some of Swinburne's points, it's still a fascinating read.
A few other great books Dr. Craig has highly endorsed in his talks, not listed here are:
1. The Logic of God Incarnate, Thomas Morris
2. The Design Inference, William Dembski
3. The Nature of Necessity, Alvin Plantinga
He mentions these books, and a few others listed here, in the talk, Advice to Christian Apologists. In that talk Craig sites Swinburne favorably as well.
No Ravi?
It should be noted that in Craig's original Q/A post he mentions that his list is just a brief one -- he also suggests fuller recommendations can be found at the end of each chapter of his book Reasonable Faith.
Thank you for posting this. Bibliographies are so useful!
yes I´ve wondered that too, although I think that Swinburne is a level up as a philosopher from Craig. Still I wonder why Craig doesn´t cite Swinburne more often (albeit their differences).
And I can´t see any reason why The Existence of God and The Resurrection of God Incarnate isn´t on the list.
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