July is here. Time to do some fun reading on some smaller sized titles. Here are six selections for summer reading from Apologetics315. Read along if you like. By the way, congratulations to Ben H., the Kindle
winner from the summer drawing. Enjoy!
With the subtitle: How Same-Sex Marriage Hurts Everyone. Seems timely and appropriate. Also a small and quick read. Makes a non-religious case against same-sex marriage. Also, Cisco didn't like it.
Alister McGrath calls this "a brilliant response to Stephen Hawking's Grand Design." Discusses the multiverse, design, science and rationality. Already available in the UK.
This pocket-sized book looks at Jesus through the eyes of a philosopher and discusses Jesus' metaphysics, ethics, epistemology, anthropology, etc. And Kreeft is a great writer.
Right along the same lines of Kreeft's book, this title by Groothuis covers Jesus as a philosopher along the same topcis! Perhaps an interesting comparison. And you gotta love Groothuis.
As discussed in the author interview here, this book is a great first choice for looking into the tough questions raised by some Old Testament passages. Written in a very accessible style.
This one got put on hold on the reading list due to other projects -- time to knock it out. This book argues that certain needs, emotions, and desires have a legitimate place in drawing people into faith in God.
The Republic by Plato - Hardest book i've ever read(about half way through) and one of the most rewarding. Plato discusses ethics and politics, but also touches on many important principles in Philosophy. If you want to learn Philosophy and how to be a better critical thinker, read the Republic. - I recommend Alan Bloom's translation.
The Jesus Quest by Ben Witherington - overview of Historical Jesus studies.
Heaven: The Logic of Eternal Joy, by Jerry L. Walls - philosophical treatment of Heaven.
The Analogy of Religion by Joseph Butler - One of the most influential apologetic books. Butler argues against the Deists for the truth of Christianity.
The Brothers Karamazov by Dostoyevsky - Apparently Fyodor's greatest work. A long, (aprox 900pages!) but worthwhile, exploration of murder, family, Christianity and Atheism. I love the colourful characters and the important themes explored.
I've just finished Atheist Delusions by David Bentley Hart and feel compelled to recommend it. While the title is unfortunate IMO (Apparently it was the editors choice) it is a strong challenge to some of the popular myths surrounding Christianity and its involvement in ancient pagan, medieval and modern society.
Hart appeared on Unbelievable last week and did a job on Terry Sanderson when it came to his views on secular society.
Hi, Brian! Nice blog. Very comprehensive! If you have a second, drop by mine (http://gentsense.blogspot.com/) and see what you think. In the meantime, my answer to this posts' question:
Shakespeare's "As You Like It"
Schopenhauer's WWR
Garff's Kierkegaard Bio
Safranski's Heidegger Bio
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