Sunday, May 13, 2012

John Lennox and Atheistic Dogma

"It is perfectly rational to propose that the universe is indeed without purpose - that what we see is all there is. But to assert that this is so, as Dawkins and Atkins do, is not at all 'rational'. It is merely a piece of dogma. Indeed, atheism—when you boil it down—is little more than dogma: simple denial, a refusal to take seriously the proposition that there could be more to the universe than meets the eye. To use science to justify such dogma, as these professors do, is a gross misuse of their own trade."

—Colin Tudge
(in his review of John Lennox's God's Undertaker: Has Science Buried God from here)


Anonymous said...

You appear to be quoting Colin Tudge and not Lennox - at least the passage in Tudge's review is not set apart as a quotation.

Brian said...

Thanks for that correction.

Paul said...

And Dawkins areas that you can not be 100% sure

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