Monday, July 02, 2012

Author Interview: David Glass

Today's interview is with David Glass, author of Atheism's New Clothes: Exploring and Exposing the Claims of the New Atheists. David has a Ph. D. in theoretical physics and an MA in Philosophy from Queen's University, Belfast and teaches at the University of Ulster. He talks about the relationship between faith and science, the new atheism and its popular influence, the case for Christian belief, Dawkins and Dennett's evolutionary account of religious belief, Plantinga's evolutionary argument against naturalism and its alternative versions, Dawkins' argument that there is almost certainly no God, advice for Christians interacting with atheists, the Saints & Sceptics website, and more.

Full Interview MP3 Audio here (45 min)

Check out: Atheism's New Clothes: Exploring and Exposing the Claims of the New Atheists

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