Sunday, January 13, 2013

William Lane Craig on Apologetics Training

"If Christians could be trained to to provide solid evidence for what they believe and good answers to unbelievers’ questions and objections, then the perception of Christians would slowly change. Christians would be seen as thoughtful people to be taken seriously rather than as emotional fanatics or buffoons. The gospel would be a real alternative for people to embrace."

- William Lane Craig
On Guard: Defending Your Faith with Reason and Precision, p. 18.


Anonymous said...

Let us be realistic, Dr. Craig! Over 50% of Christ's Body are very ordinary people who can be taught only the basics of "Give an answer to all who asks of you, with meekness and fear." They should not be made to think that they are inferior in any way if they cannot study and grasp deeper insights of the gospel. After all, they are saved by faith in Christ--not education. As a strong follower of Dr Craig, I affirm him in his desire to train young Christian intellectuals to "defend the Faith." Yet, not everyone can be so bright as Dr. Bill! James

Anonymous said...

"Over 50% of Christ's Body are very ordinary people who can be taught only the basics."

Are you assuming intellectual superiority over "50% of Christ's Body"? At least 99% of the many Christians I know are capable of clearly articulating Craig's arguments.

"They should not be made to think that they are inferior in any way if they cannot study and grasp deeper insights of the gospel."

This sounds condescending, do you really think that "50% of Christ's Body" is unable to "grasp [the] deeper insights of the gospel."?

Dominic K said...

I think what Dr. Craig said is dead on. How many people can quote more than 10 verses? Apologetics and Church History needs to be a part of every fellowship around the world. What we have today is Golden Ticket Christianity meaning people take the "once saved, always saved" doctrine and hide out til Jesus comes back. To a non-believer, why would they even listen to someone who doesn't know anything beyond a few simple principles they were taught? I know I sure wouldn't if I was a non-believer. Christians need to know what they believe and why they believe it instead of following pulpit theology that they acquire on Sunday.

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