Aseity: The divine property of being completely independent of everything distinct from God himself. Everything other than God depends on God, but God depends on nothing besides himself.1
1. Stanley J. Grenz, David Guretzki & Cherith Fee Nordling, Pocket Dictionary of Theological Terms (Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 1999), p. 13.
Yes. I believe that is a major problem for Molinism. However, in the discussions I have had online with Molinists (I'm not sure I've ever met a Molinist in person.), they have been dismissive of that concern.
"Well of course Molinism doesn't imply a denial of aseity."
I think they are trying to hold two contrary opinions and ignore the conradiction.
Brian Auten is director of Reasonable Faith Belfast and founder of Apologetics 315, a daily online resource helping to equip the next generation of Christian apologists. More...
I think this doctrine has huge ramification for the rest of theology
It does, Veritasdomain. The denial of Aseity is definitional of idolatry. I take that to be one of Paul's major points in Acts 17.
Indeed Ex N1hilo
If Molinism, doesn't God depend on counterfactuals of creaturely freedom that are outside himself for middle knowledge? So if molinism, no aseity?
Yes. I believe that is a major problem for Molinism. However, in the discussions I have had online with Molinists (I'm not sure I've ever met a Molinist in person.), they have been dismissive of that concern.
"Well of course Molinism doesn't imply a denial of aseity."
I think they are trying to hold two contrary opinions and ignore the conradiction.
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