Saturday, April 30, 2011
Book Review: Kingdom of the Cults by Walter Martin
Book Reviews
Walter Martin
Friday, April 29, 2011
Weekly Apologetics Bonus Links (04/22 - 04/29)

• Free on Kindle: HCSB Bible
• God and Stephen Hawking by John Lennox (MP3)
• Choosing My Religion (MP3)
• Undesigned Coincidences (ebook)
• Unbelievable? The Conference: Sign up today!
• William Lane Craig on Logical Positivism (video)
• RIP Logical Positivism
• Ladies' Book Club 2011
• Questions about Middle Knowledge
• The David Hume god
• The Top 10 Beretta Podcast Episodes
• Resurrection Research Links
• How long was Jesus dead in the tomb?
• Should There Have Been More Resurrection Witnesses?
• Biola Professors Answer Resurrection Questions
• Evidence for the Resurrection: Discussions with Mike Licona
• William Lane Craig and James Crossley debate the resurrection
• William Lane Craig vs. John Shelby Spong on the resurrection
• Peter Williams assesses whether the gospels are based on eyewitness testimony
Get these sorts of links and more by following on Twitter.
Or just add this feed to your RSS reader.
For daily post links, please follow on Facebook.
Bonus Links
Fallacy Friday: Ad Misericordiam (Appeal to Pity)
The Fallacy Friday Podcast is the weekly audio version of Matthew Flannagan's Fallacy Friday posts over at the MandM blog. Apologetics315 is producing the audio version, released every Friday as well. Subscribe using:
• RSS Feed, or Via iTunes, or one-click.
Today's episode: Ad Misericordiam (Appeal to Pity)
(text | MP3)
• RSS Feed, or Via iTunes, or one-click.
Today's episode: Ad Misericordiam (Appeal to Pity)
(text | MP3)
Matthew Flannagan
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Undesigned Coincidences in the Gospels by Tim McGrew
In this audio file from Keith Kendrex's Evidence4Faith radio program, Dr. Tim McGrew is interviewed on the topic of Undesigned Coincidences in the Gospels. Citing numerous examples, McGrew notes the cumulative case that can be made for the reliability of the scriptures by looking at textual evidence by various authors. Also check out the classic work of the same name by J.J. Blunt. And be sure to visit the Library of Historical Apologetics for more classical apologetic works.
Full Interview MP3 Audio here. (podcast here)
Full Interview MP3 Audio here. (podcast here)
New Testament
Tim McGrew
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
You Can't Take the Bible Literally by Dirk Jongkind
As part of the Christian Heritage "Reason for God" lecture series, Dr. Dirk Jongkind presents this talk on the topic "You Can't Take the Bible Literally." He presents principles of Biblical interpretation and makes a case for the reliability of the scriptures. Original audio found here (video also available). For more great audio and video resources, please visit Christian Heritage Media.
Full MP3 Audio here (43 min)
Full MP3 Audio here (43 min)
Dirk Jongkind
Monday, April 25, 2011
Apologist Interview: Peter Kreeft
Today's interview is with Peter Kreeft, professor of philosophy at Boston College and at the King's College, in New York City. He talks about his background and influences, his view of philosophy and theology, why we should learn logic (and his logic textbook), etiquette in evaluating arguments, Socratic method & dialogue, caring for the soul, dealing with difficult and loaded questions, preparation for apologetics dialogue (it's not just study), cultivating integrity and character, advice for being a life-long learner, and using literature in apologetics.
Full Interview MP3 Audio here (33 min)
Among Kreeft's over 60 books are these recommended titles:
• Handbook of Christian Apologetics
• Pocket Handbook of Christian Apologetics
• Socratic Logic
• A Refutation of Moral Relativism
• Heaven, the Heart's Deepest Longing
• Jesus Shock
Note: This interview does not endorse a Roman Catholic position.
Full Interview MP3 Audio here (33 min)
Among Kreeft's over 60 books are these recommended titles:
• Handbook of Christian Apologetics
• Pocket Handbook of Christian Apologetics
• Socratic Logic
• A Refutation of Moral Relativism
• Heaven, the Heart's Deepest Longing
• Jesus Shock
Note: This interview does not endorse a Roman Catholic position.
Apologist Interviews
Peter Kreeft
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Sunday Quote: Thomas Arnold on the Resurrection
"Thousands and tens of thousands have gone through the evidence which attests the resurrection of Christ, piece by piece, as carefully as ever a judge summed up on the most important case. I have myself done it many times over, not to persuade others, but to satisfy myself. I have been used for many years to study the history of other times, and to examine and weigh the evidence of those who have written about them, and I know of no fact in the history of mankind which is proved by better and fitter evidence and every kind."1
- Thomas Arnold
Click here for an article on the evidence for the resurrection.
- Thomas Arnold
Click here for an article on the evidence for the resurrection.
Thomas Arnold
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Resurrection of Jesus: Interview with Gary Habermas
Do extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence? What sort of evidence is there for the resurrection? In this audio provided by, Robert Bowman interviews Dr. Gary Habermas on the resurrection of Jesus. Habermas is a leading expert in the resurrection, with over 15 books
on the subject. Audio found here at
Full Interview MP3 Audio here (65 min)
Full Interview MP3 Audio here (65 min)
Gary Habermas
Rob Bowman
Friday, April 22, 2011
Weekly Apologetics Bonus Links (04/15 - 04/22)

• Darrel Bock reviews "Forged"
• Easter apologetics
• Is Mormonism Christian?
• Four Dangers of the Jehovah's Witnesses
• Top 10 Amazing Facts of Mormonism (PDF)
• “Extraordinary claims need…” What, exactly?
• Evidence for the Resurrection of Christ in a Nutshell
• Jay Smith: Is the Qur’an the Word of God? (PDF)
• Attribution Biases of the New Atheists
• How to Referee a Philosophical Debate
• Free excerpts from Nancy Pearcey’s Saving Leonardo
• How Easter Killed My Faith in Atheism by Lee Strobel
• Evidence for the Resurrection of Christ: Five Possible Theories
• Mike Licona debates Bart Ehrman on the Unbelievable radio show
• William Lane Craig explains why moral choices are impossible on atheism
Get these sorts of links and more by following on Twitter.
Or just add this feed to your RSS reader.
For daily post links, please follow on Facebook.
Bonus Links
Fallacy Friday: Petitio Principii (Begging the Question)
The Fallacy Friday Podcast is the weekly audio version of Matthew Flannagan's Fallacy Friday posts over at the MandM blog. Apologetics315 is producing the audio version, released every Friday as well. Subscribe using:
• RSS Feed, or Via iTunes, or one-click.
Today's episode: Petitio Principii (Begging the Question) (text | MP3)
• RSS Feed, or Via iTunes, or one-click.
Today's episode: Petitio Principii (Begging the Question) (text | MP3)
Matthew Flannagan
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Critical Thinking Online Training
Looking for tools to be a better thinker? You might have a look at this Basic Logic Primer, or listen to the Fallacy Friday podcast, or the Logical Fallacies 1 or Logical Fallacies 2 podcasts. But one of the best free online resources for critical thinking is Critical Thinking Web. To see what sort of material the course covers, check out the site map here. An excellent resource.
Go to Critical Thinking Web.
Go to Critical Thinking Web.
critical thinking
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
European Leadership Workshops and Seminars Audio
In this audio resource supplied by the European Leadership Forum's WELFORUM website, you'll find some 600 audio files by around 80 speakers. The talks are provided in an iTunes-like player arranged in playlists and sorted by speaker name. Speakers include William Lane Craig, John Lennox, Bruce Little, Stuart McAllister, Amy Orr Ewing, Michael Ramsden, Ravi Zacharias and more.
Check out the audio resource here.
Check out the audio resource here.
European Leadership Forum
Monday, April 18, 2011
Apologist Interview: Lee Strobel
Today's interview is with apologist and author Lee Strobel. He talks about how God has used his books, his journey from atheism to Christianity, the role of evidence and the influence of the heart, being a popularizer, his upcoming book The Ambition
, areas where Christians can reach culture, lessons from journalism, advice for apologists, and more. Subscribe to Lee's newsletter here.
Full Interview MP3 Audio here (54 min)
Lee's books include:
• The Case for Christ, The Case for Faith, The Case for the Resurrection, The Case For A Creator, The Case for the Real Jesus, and his new novel, The Ambition
Subscribe to the Apologetics 315 Interviews podcast here or in iTunes.
Full Interview MP3 Audio here (54 min)
Lee's books include:
• The Case for Christ, The Case for Faith, The Case for the Resurrection, The Case For A Creator, The Case for the Real Jesus, and his new novel, The Ambition
Subscribe to the Apologetics 315 Interviews podcast here or in iTunes.
Apologist Interviews
Lee Strobel
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Sunday Quote: Hudson Taylor on Hardness of Heart
"Perhaps if there were more of that intense distress for souls that leads to tears, we should more frequently see the results we desire. Sometimes it may be that while we are complaining of the hardness of the hearts of those we are seeking to benefit, the hardness of our own hearts and our feeble apprehension of the solemn reality of eternal things may be the true cause of our want of success."
- Hudson Taylor
- Hudson Taylor
Hudson Taylor
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Book Review: Reasoning from the Scriptures with Muslims
Book Reviews
Ron Rhodes
Friday, April 15, 2011
Weekly Apologetics Bonus Links (04/08 - 04/15)

• Consider the evidence
• Evidence for the Resurrection by Josh McDowell
• Atheism and the Escape From Reason
• The Importance of Defining Terms
• Evidence for Easter
• Is Evolution Criticism Anti Science?
• Questioning Evangelism
• ID is Not an Argument from Ignorance
• Debate Review: William Lane Craig and Sam Harris
• Undesigned Coincidences in the Gospels
• eBook: The Gospel of Judas, by Mike Licona
• Experts' Evidence for Jesus' Resurrection
• Experts' Evidence for Jesus' Trial
• Craig v Krauss debate results
• Seven Days That Divide the World by John C. Lennox
• Currently reading 'Kingdom of the Cults' by Walter Martin
• Is God the only possible foundation for objective morality?
• Ethical Naturalism and the Euthyphro Dilemma
• The "Is-Ought" Problem and God's Morality
• God, Naturalism, and the Foundations of Morality by Paul Copan (PDF)
• Was the New Testament Influenced by Pagan Religions? by Ronald Nash
• Why the “I Just Believe in One Less God than You” Argument Does not Work
• Axioms and Inferences- A Mathematician Thinks About Faith by John Lennox (MP3)
• California Event: Reasonable Faith in an Uncertain World
Get these sorts of links and more by following on Twitter.
Or just add this feed to your RSS reader.
For daily post links, please follow on Facebook.
Bonus Links
Fallacy Friday: False Cause & Post Hoc, Ergo Propter Hoc
The Fallacy Friday Podcast is the weekly audio version of Matthew Flannagan's Fallacy Friday posts over at the MandM blog. Apologetics315 is producing the audio version, released every Friday as well. Subscribe using:
• RSS Feed, or Via iTunes, or one-click.
Today's episode: False Cause & Post Hoc, Ergo Propter Hoc (text | MP3)
• RSS Feed, or Via iTunes, or one-click.
Today's episode: False Cause & Post Hoc, Ergo Propter Hoc (text | MP3)
Matthew Flannagan
Thursday, April 14, 2011
The Question of Miracles: Interview with Craig Keener
Michael Licona of interviews Craig Keener of Palmer Theological Seminary on the topic of miracles. He provides numerous examples of credible miracle reports from antiquity through the present. Keener also addresses a number of objections to miracles. Interview source at 4Truth. Craig Keener's book on miracles Miracles: The Credibility of the New Testament Accounts
will be released later this year.
Full Interview MP3 Audio here (77 min)
Full Interview MP3 Audio here (77 min)
Craig Keener
michael licona
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Christianity & the Tooth Fairy: John Lennox Audio
The Veritas Forum provides this excellent discussion with Oxford mathematician John Lennox about Christianity. Does belief in Jesus Christ require a suspension of logic? Can Christianity be proven to be true? Is belief in God just like believing in the Tooth Fairy? This is an great discussion, facilitated by UCLA law professor Daniel Lowenstein. The video of this discussion can be found at Veritas here. Subscribe to their audio podcast here. Includes Q&A.
Full MP3 Audio here.
You might also be interested in John Lennox's upcoming book Seven Days That Divide the World: The Beginning According to Genesis and Science
Full MP3 Audio here.
You might also be interested in John Lennox's upcoming book Seven Days That Divide the World: The Beginning According to Genesis and Science
John Lennox
Monday, April 11, 2011
Apologist Interview: Jay Smith
Today's interview is with Jay Smith, a Biblical Scholar specializing in Islam. He talks about his background in Islamic studies, the difference between apologetics and polemics, his debates with Muslims, the prophet Muhammad's life and the spread of Islam, the five pillars of Islam, key worldview differences to keep in mind, common mistakes Christian make when interacting with Muslims, advice for those in Islamic studies, and more.
Find Jay's resources at Check out Jay's video channel on youtube: PfanderFilms. A recent debate here.
Full Interview MP3 Audio here (70 min)
Subscribe to the Apologetics 315 Interviews podcast here or in iTunes.
Find Jay's resources at Check out Jay's video channel on youtube: PfanderFilms. A recent debate here.
Full Interview MP3 Audio here (70 min)
Subscribe to the Apologetics 315 Interviews podcast here or in iTunes.
Apologist Interviews
Jay Smith
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Sunday Quote: Francis Schaeffer on Morality
"If there is no absolute moral standard, then one cannot say in a final sense that anything is right or wrong. By absolute we mean that which always applies, that which provides a final or ultimate standard. There must be an absolute if there are to be morals, and there must be an absolute if there are to be real values. If there is no absolute beyond man's ideas, then there is no final appeal to judge between individuals and groups whose moral judgements conflict. We are merely left with conflicting opinions."1
- Francis Schaeffer
1. Schaeffer, Francis. How Then Should We Live?: The Rise and Decline of Western Thought and Culture
(New York: Fleming H. Revell Co., 1976).
- Francis Schaeffer
1. Schaeffer, Francis. How Then Should We Live?: The Rise and Decline of Western Thought and Culture
Francis Schaeffer
Saturday, April 09, 2011
Evidence for the Resurrection with Michael Licona
The North American Mission Board's apologetics website 4Truth.Net presents this excellent video resource, which happens to be just in time for Easter. This is a series of video segments/interviews with Michael Licona, author of The Resurrection of Jesus: A New Historiographical Approach
and The Case for the Resurrection of Jesus
. Licona discusses the importance of the resurrection, the historical method, the evidence for the resurrection, and answers to common objections from scholars and from the internet.
Each segment is viewable online here, and can also be downloaded in multiple formats, perfectly suited for use in group study in your apologetics group. Check out the Evidence for the Resurrection.
Each segment is viewable online here, and can also be downloaded in multiple formats, perfectly suited for use in group study in your apologetics group. Check out the Evidence for the Resurrection.
michael licona
Friday, April 08, 2011
Weekly Apologetics Bonus Links (04/01 - 04/08)

• CrossExamined Instructor Academy
Debate Reviews:
• Harris vs. Craig: Thoughts and Links
• Review of Craig vs. Harris Debate
• Bye Bye Inflationary Theory
• Gary Habermas on Near Death Experiences
• Sacred rhetoric: or a course of lectures on preaching
• On the statement that “we are all atheists”
• Can Science Explain Everything?
• Why Christians Should Read in the Mainstream
• Four Myths About the Crusades
• G.K. Chesterton Audiobooks (free)
• Thinking Out Loud: Podcast with Alan Shlemon
• Just Think: Podcast with Brett Kunkle
• How to Test for Intelligent Design
• Naturalism can never answer the ultimate truth question
• Ask your friends: “Why aren’t you a Christian?”
• Dr. John Blanchard speaking in Albuquerque
• Interview with William Lane Craig
Get these sorts of links and more by following on Twitter.
Or just add this feed to your RSS reader.
For daily post links, please follow on Facebook.
Bonus Links
William Lane Craig vs. Sam Harris Debate Audio
In this audio from the University of Notre Dame that took place on April 7, 2011, William Lane Craig and Sam Harris debate the topic: Is Good From God? In other words, "Are the foundations of moral value natural or supernatural?" For video of the debate, go here.
Full Debate MP3 Audio here (120 min)
This debate has been added to the William Lane Craig Debate Audio podcast feed. Get it here.
Full Debate MP3 Audio here (120 min)
This debate has been added to the William Lane Craig Debate Audio podcast feed. Get it here.
Sam Harris
William Lane Craig
Fallacy Friday: Division and Composition
The Fallacy Friday Podcast is the weekly audio version of Matthew Flannagan's Fallacy Friday posts over at the MandM blog. Apologetics315 is producing the audio version, released every Friday as well. Subscribe using:
• RSS Feed, or Via iTunes, or one-click.
Today's episode: Division and Composition
(text | MP3)
• RSS Feed, or Via iTunes, or one-click.
Today's episode: Division and Composition
(text | MP3)
Matthew Flannagan
Thursday, April 07, 2011
Peter J. Williams Interview on Gospel Reliability
In this audio, Michael Licona interviews Dr. Peter J. Williams of Cambridge University. He provides a number of reasons for holding that the canonical Gospels are reliable recollections of the life of Jesus. Original interview at here. Anything by Peter J. Williams is excellent.
Full Interview MP3 Audio here. (42 min)
Full Interview MP3 Audio here. (42 min)
New Testament
Peter J. Williams
Wednesday, April 06, 2011
Robert Bowman Apologetics Audio
If you have heard the recent interview with Robert M. Bowman, you may also be interested in listening to some of his courses he taught with Reclaiming the Mind's Theology Program. If so, you can download all of the electives with this RSS feed. Or see each audio file available below, each with its own RSS feed for easy downloading or adding to iTunes.
World Religions (RSS)
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8
The Historical Jesus (RSS)
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
Science and the Bible (RSS)
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9
Apologetics Methods (RSS)
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9
Also added to the Ultimate Apologetics MP3 Audio page.
World Religions (RSS)
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8
The Historical Jesus (RSS)
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
Science and the Bible (RSS)
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9
Apologetics Methods (RSS)
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9
Understanding Mormons & Jehovah's Witnesses (RSS)
Introduction to Christian Apologetics (RSS)
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19Also added to the Ultimate Apologetics MP3 Audio page.
Jehovah's Witnesses
Jesus Christ
Rob Bowman
Monday, April 04, 2011
Apologist Interview: Robert M. Bowman
Today's interview is with Robert M. Bowman, Jr. - the Director of Research at the Institute for Religious Research. He talks about his background, his work with IRR, the reasons for examining apologetic methodology, four basic categories or approaches to apologetics (classical, evidential, reformed, fideistic), apologetic questions and meta-apologetic questions, the sorts of methodological questions one should consider, understanding presuppositionalism, finding an integrated approach to defending the faith, historical examples of apologists with a well-rounded approach to apologetics, advice to apologists, and more.
Full Interview MP3 Audio here (47 min)
Books by Robert M. Bowman include:
• Faith Has Its Reasons: Integrative Approaches to Defending the Christian Faith
• 20 Compelling Evidences That God Exists
• Putting Jesus in His Place: The Case for the Deity of Christ
• Jehovah's Witnesses
• Sense and Nonsense about Heaven and Hell
• Sense and Nonsense about Angels and Demons
Subscribe to the Apologetics 315 Interviews podcast here or in iTunes.
Full Interview MP3 Audio here (47 min)
Books by Robert M. Bowman include:
• Faith Has Its Reasons: Integrative Approaches to Defending the Christian Faith
• 20 Compelling Evidences That God Exists
• Putting Jesus in His Place: The Case for the Deity of Christ
• Jehovah's Witnesses
• Sense and Nonsense about Heaven and Hell
• Sense and Nonsense about Angels and Demons
Subscribe to the Apologetics 315 Interviews podcast here or in iTunes.
Apologist Interviews
Rob Bowman
Blog Archive
- Book Review: Kingdom of the Cults by Walter Martin
- Weekly Apologetics Bonus Links (04/22 - 04/29)
- Fallacy Friday: Ad Misericordiam (Appeal to Pity)
- Undesigned Coincidences in the Gospels by Tim McGrew
- You Can't Take the Bible Literally by Dirk Jongkind
- Apologist Interview: Peter Kreeft
- Sunday Quote: Thomas Arnold on the Resurrection
- Resurrection of Jesus: Interview with Gary Habermas
- Weekly Apologetics Bonus Links (04/15 - 04/22)
- Fallacy Friday: Petitio Principii (Begging the Que...
- Critical Thinking Online Training
- European Leadership Workshops and Seminars Audio
- Apologist Interview: Lee Strobel
- Sunday Quote: Hudson Taylor on Hardness of Heart
- Book Review: Reasoning from the Scriptures with Mu...
- Weekly Apologetics Bonus Links (04/08 - 04/15)
- Fallacy Friday: False Cause & Post Hoc, Ergo Propt...
- The Question of Miracles: Interview with Craig Keener
- Christianity & the Tooth Fairy: John Lennox Audio
- Apologist Interview: Jay Smith
- Sunday Quote: Francis Schaeffer on Morality
- Evidence for the Resurrection with Michael Licona
- Weekly Apologetics Bonus Links (04/01 - 04/08)
- William Lane Craig vs. Sam Harris Debate Audio
- Fallacy Friday: Division and Composition
- Peter J. Williams Interview on Gospel Reliability
- Robert Bowman Apologetics Audio
- Apologist Interview: Robert M. Bowman
- Sunday Quote: C.S. Lewis on Eternity
- Book Review: World Religions by Warren Matthews
- Weekly Apologetics Bonus Links (03/25 - 04/01)
- Fallacy Friday: Tu Quoque (But you did it too!)