• What Is Apologetics?
• The End of Morality?
• Can We Be Good Without God?
• A Brief History of Apologetics
• More Falsifications of Evolution
• A secular case for the pro-life view
• Can Science and Creationism Coexist?
• Are the New Testament Texts Reliable?
• How to Waste Your Theological Education
• A "Twelve Facts" resurrection logic puzzle
• Using the News for Apologetics and Evangelism
• Worldview: Stephen Crane’s Red Badge of Courage
• Online Christian Writing Conference: August 18th
• Two more interviews on the historicity of Scripture
• 10 Reasons the New Testament Writers Told the Truth
• Looking forward to this book: Seven Days That Divide the World: The Beginning According to Genesis and Science
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I just invited to you Google + and added you to an apologetics circle, not sure if you're planning to use this new social media but I suspect that it will take off, it's lower friction than facebook/twitter. Here's a video with some info on it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xwnJ5Bl4kLI
Thanks so much for the link Brian.
And that history of apologetics link is fantastic!
hey Brian, thank you so much again for the word that you do. But i do want you to know something, the "What is Apologetics?" Link that you posted, it was good...but it apparently went bad and became a busted link. Sorry to bring this up, but I just wanted to point that out to ya. again, thank you so much for what you do and keep it up!
Thanks. I am checking that link and it seems okay. But for anyone unable to access it, the URL is: http://www.hieropraxis.com/2011/07/what-is-apologetics/
It's working now! Thanks Brian! I think Holly was changing the format of her blog or some kind of construction to it and it wasn't letting me into it. So, thank you again!
Praise God for your ministry!
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