Wednesday, May 02, 2012

Book GiveAway: Resurrection iWitness

Resurrection iWitness by Doug Powell is a book on the resurrection like no other. First, its dimensions make it a foot tall and ten inches wide. This is like a one-inch thick coffee table book, containing 32 pages chock-full of color graphics and text on the resurrection of Jesus. Powell's background as a graphic designer and Christian apologist combine to make this into a very engaging interactive book—practically every page has fold-out notes, maps, diagrams, and other pieces of evidence that build the historical case for the resurrection of Jesus. Here's a video demo.

This is exactly the kind of format that can be appealing and engaging for those not particularly turned on by the idea of text-dense, academic works of apologetics. And this was the experience with this book in my own "field-testing"—it was laid on the desk and nothing was said about it. But it was soon picked up, "wowed over", paged through, and the comments were along the lines of, "this is a great book!"

So if you are looking for a visually engaging way to learn, interact, or share the historical case for the resurrection of Jesus, you might consider Doug Powell's Resurrection iWitness. Truly unique. (And there's even an iPad app version!)

Apologetics 315 is giving a copy away: OLLIE was the winner! Congrats!


Anonymous said...

Wow this book looks awesome. I hope I get a chance to page through it myself and share it with others. Thanks for the chance Brian.


Anonymous said...


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