In looking over the year at Apologetics315, some great posts seem to stand out. This is a sort of
year in review for 2009 covering a few things notable.
There was a lot of
audio. In addition to the most-popular
Ultimate Apologetics MP3 Audio page, there was
Apologetics for your Ipod, and the other very popular post, the
16 Best Apologetics Podcasts. Saddleback's
apologetic conference audio was also a good series. The
Audio Junkie feed features all kinds of extra audio for those who couldn't get enough.
There were some good
podcasts released, such as
Reasons to Believe's batch
here, MaryJo Sharp's
Confident Christianity podcast, and of the big post called
Apologetics Podcasts Worth Your Time. Wayne Grudem's
Systematic Theology podcast was also very popular. You can also get all of William Lane Craig's audio debates at once with the
WLC Audio debate feed.
In the area of
debate, there were a number of notable ones this year:
• The
Origins of Life debate with Meyer, Sternberg, Prothero & Shermer.
• The Alvin Plantinga & Daniel Dennett
• Bart Ehrman vs. James White:
Did the Bible Misquote Jesus?
• List of Michael Licona Debates
• William Lane Craig debates Christopher Hitchens
• Frank Turek has two debates with Hitchens
here and
• Douglas Wilson debates Christopher Hitchens
• William Lane Craig debates Francisco Ayala on Intelligent Design
• William Lane Craig debates Richard Carrier on the Resurrection
• Douglas Geivett debates John Shook on the Existence of God
• Michael Licona debates Bart Ehrman on the Resurrection
• James White debates Dan Barker on Jesus' existence
• William Lane Craig debates George Williamson on God's existence
• Dinesh D'Souza debates Daniel Dennett on God as a man-made invention
• Dinesh D'Souza debates Christopher Hitchens
• William Lane Craig debates Lewis Wolport on God as a delusion
• J.P. Moreland debates Clancy Martin on the existence of God
• Mary Jo Sharp debated Ehteshaam Gulam on the resurrection
• Phil Fernandes debated Eddie Tabash on God's existence
• Richard Dawkins talked to John Lennox about science and God
There were a number of
post series, such as
Terminology Tuesday and
Theistic Arguments. A couple other substantial posts were the
100 Christian Apologists and the
Christian Apologetics Blog Directory. There was also the series on
A Basic Logic Primer.
A very popular page, created in response to a reader request, was the
Recommended Apologetics Book Directory, which is also a nice way to
help Apologetics315.
There were some great
books this year. Most notable were
Tactics by Greg Koukl,
The Greatest Show on Earth by Richard Dawkins. Bowman & Boa's
20 Compelling Evidences that God Exists was also a featured book review in
Areopagus Journal. There were about 35
book reviews this year.
The most notable book releases this year were probably
Signature in the Cell by Stephen Meyer (
audio interview here),
The Blackwell Companion to Natural Theology edited by Craig and Moreland, and
Tactics by Greg Koukl.
Apologetics315 also did a two-part
interview at the
Cloud of Witnesses blog
There are
over 600 posts now - one every day (with the exception of a Christmas break).
The site got a
new look, which many liked and some had trouble with until they upgraded Internet Explorer. You also began to follow Apologetics315 on
Twitter and became fans on the
Facebook page.
Ap315 also wants to say
thank you to some notable
bloggers for their friendship and camaraderie in apologetics for the Gospel:
Chad at
Aaron and
Dan at
Apologetic Junkie,
Rob at
Wintery Knight at
Wintery Knight,
Melinda at
Stand to Reason,
Chris at
Cloud of Witnesses,
Mariano at
Atheism is Dead,
Marcus at
What Had Happened Was,
Glenn at
In Defense of the Faith,
Jonathan at
Think Christianly,
Jason at
Mike at
The Apologetic Front,
MaryJo and
Roger at
Confident Christianity,
Roger at
Faith Interface,
Jim at
Vocab at
Backpack Truth, and
Todd at I Love Atheists.
Thanks for reading in 2009.