- Blaise Pascal, Pensées
Sunday, November 07, 2010
Sunday Quote: Pascal on Our Ultimate Objective
"For it is indubitable that this life is but an instant of time, that the state of death is eternal, whatever its nature may be, and thus that all our actions and thoughts must follow such different paths according to the state of this eternity, that the only possible way of acting with sense and judgement is to decide our course in the light of this point, which ought to be our ultimate objective."
- Blaise Pascal, Pensées
- Blaise Pascal, Pensées
Blaise Pascal
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Haha wow. I just read this and quoted it to my Facebook a few days ago. ;)
Pascal states that "state of death is eternal". Is that a scriptural concept?
Paul informs us that death will eventually be destroyed.
1 Corinthians 15:26
1 Corinthians 15:54
One says "death is eternal / without end" and the other says "death is not eternal / has an end". They can't both be right, can they?
If I may note, there has been and is still being a lot of stuff taught in Chrisianity like this regarding death that is right out of pagan religions. Examples:
1) death is eternal;
2) death is not death - people are alive when they are dead;
3) people go to heaven or hell when they die.
It came to my attention when I encountered Buddhists, Daoists, and folk religionists teachings regarding death. And it would be bad to say that 99% of what they teach is wrong, but the state of the dead - that the dead are alive after they die and go to some place immediately upon death, which they teach - is something that they just happen to be right on. (I don't believe in any of their teachings.)
Just putting this perspective on the table. Thoughts?
Good thoughts - and those should be noted.
However, I think Pascal's point is about the brevity of life and the importance of finding truth because it has eternal consequences.
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