Today's interview is with
David K. Clark, executive vice president and provost of
Bethel University and author of
Dialogical Apologetics
. He talks about apologetics as a practice (and not just a discipline), being a specialist and being a generalist, his book
Dialogical Apologetics
, relationships and dialogue, how dialogical apologetics applies to methodology, paying attention to emotions as well as questions, "less is more," becoming better communicators, belief formation, using creativity, the power of your character, advice to apologists, and more.
Interview MP3 Audio here.
(47 min)
Other books by David K. Clark:
• To Know and Love God: Method for Theology
Apologetics in the New Age: A Christian Critique of Pantheism
Hi Brian,
I really enjoyed this interview. One thing that I particularly appreciated was the reference made to using creativity and the arts in an apologetic way. I have heard Os Guinness discuss this aspect of apologetics as well, and of course, Lewis is probably the quintessential example of this kind of integration. I am currently a student in the Biola distance program, but have an undergraduate degree in Bible and Sacred music. I have at times become discouraged in feeling that the paths of apologetics and music are too divergent, but nevertheless have made attempts to reconcile the two. I have the joy of playing in a small folk-like band with my wife and another married couple, both of whom are trained musicians as well. We are trying to move much of our song writing in an integrative apologetics direction, and have composed a few toward that end, though the craft if being refined. Everytime I hear discussions touching on this aspect of apologetics, it inspires me me once again. Thank You for your faithful work!
~Tim Zieger
His "Apologetics in the New Age: A Christian Critque of Pantheism" is stellar. The best book on pantheistic/Eastern belief systems I've read to date.
Yes, that really struck a chord with me too!
I haven't read it - but I think I'll check it out some time.
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