Friday, January 13, 2012

Weekly Apologetics Bonus Links (01/06 - 01/13)

Here are this week's recommended apologetics links. Enjoy.
Q&A with Lee Strobel
Think Christianly Videos
Word of the Week Quantum-Logic
When Were The Gospels Written?
Book Review: God Behaving Badly
Interview with Daniel B. Wallace on Vimeo
Crucifixion - Could Jesus have survived?
How To Disagree Online Without Being A Total Jerk
An Outline of Tegmark’s Four Levels of the Multiverse
What is Apologetics? MP3 Series by Francis Schaeffer
Coffee with Scholars – Mike Licona Interview, Part 2
The Moral Argument: Mistakes to Avoid and Practical Advice
Did Jesus Even Exist?-The Problematic Argument from Silence
Does the Bible teach that faith is opposed to logic and evidence?
A Defense of the Historicity of Jesus' Divine Self-Understanding
Has The New Testament Been Substantially Edited Since It Was First Penned?
Renaissance Christians: 12 Tips for Pursuing Knowledge and Wisdom in Daily Life

• Shopping via Amazon this year? If you use this link, a bit of your purchase goes to fund Apologetics 315. Thanks for those of you using the link, as it helps Ap315 while we wait for our 501c3 approval.

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St Badger said...

Thanks for all the links Brian, will email you in a sec!

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